Thursday, November 29, 2007
Another Wish...
You know, other than all those im posting on my WANTS list, i still have one wish that probably wont happen till we're past our twenties...
MY wish is that the waterside group (ariel, bart, edison, eunice, steph, joseph, christine, gitta, quino, me, tricie, mandy...) will actually become more sociable in a sense. i mean, not the whole group. cuz the girls pretty much are close. but the GUYS. like bart and edison hardly talk. maybe its interests conflict but that shouldnt stop 2 guys who've known each other for YEARS to not talk to each other. But the magic happens when Joseph is here. Joseph breaks down the speaking barrier and then Bart and Edison talk briefly. Well, good enough i guess but Joseph isnt here all the time. He has to go study in the phils! I really miss those days when we were younger.. Bart and Edison would play games together,
talk... they did so much together. And before, the girls and guys were also quite close. I mean, we
talked. Not like now. Now we just tease each other. Though we still laugh with each other. But we all hardly end up in the same room together. Its sad... So right now, my wish is that the guys start talking again and the guys and girls start hanging out together again. I mean, whats wrong with BART and EDISON?! Both guys are pretty cool by themselves.. So if you put 2 cool guys together, wouldnt they become even better?? well, thats just my theory.. The girls are already like sisters, so what about the guys? why cant they be our brothers?? Or why cant they be brothers by themselves?
My questions will not be answered just like that. And so, i promise that i'll do anything possible to bring us all together again. Like when we were younger....
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
i'm soo sorry...
My dear Nameera, Im so sorry for what happened. I just found out a few minutes ago. Im really sorry... Stay happy in times like these and remember you can call us (seniors!) if you ever need help. THESE are the times we have to stick together..
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
i think my house is sad.
As the title suggests, i think my house is sad. Why? Cause ever since we bought the new house and started moving our stuff, it kinda went nuts! Like, first the doorbell stopped working. Then ermm,, we had a blackout in the middle of the day. And then my aircon stopped working. And then the lights in the guest bathroom and the bedroom bathroom totally blew. Arghs.
Dear house, are you sad we're moving? Well i am too. I bet you dont want that new family moving in right? They seem EVIL.
I pity my house. We were the FIRST owners of the house so its kinda sad. Lived here since i was old enough to remember things.. Just so you know, I LOVE YOU HOUSE!! XD.
Hmmm.. I think my school choices are final. But i think im gonna switch TKGS and Anglican. Since TKGS is nearer to my house.. Gonna submit it later.. And OOPS, i missed my dental appointment. Wheeeee! lalalalalalalalalala.
Im kinda sad myself. Cause my one friend that i can actually have an sms conversation and a nice talk on the phone with has packed and gone to Korea for the holidays. But how sweet,, he smsed me at 3am to make sure i was okay and to tell me he would promise to sms the moment he got back. AND he was like, so worried that i would miss him. awww... Well luckily i was still awake so i managed to wish him a safe trip before his plane took off..
i love you! To my other guy "friend" who hates me now.... Still wish you'd believe me and forgive me my dear friend.. And i know you're online and that you blocked me so COME ON. This is getting overrated..
Gosh that movie was damn bloody nice. its kind of touching too in a sense. cant describe it... ooooh and in the kissing part at the ball, some guy from the back went
YEAH! when Patrick Dempsy kissed the princess. And then i went
WHOO!! haha. so the theatre was filled with people shouting their approval, disapproval.. etc.
im still milling over whether i should call my friend to apologise and makeup for it. Or just let it be. after all, this isnt the first fight. so if we werent meant to be friends, maybe i should just leave it alone. and i find myself realising everytime i pick up the phone to check for a call or text message, im always expecting a message from my
dear friend. am i getting obsessed? OH NO! I miss being friends with you and you know it...
Okay.. i also havent decided on the final line-up of schools. BUT, i have decided to take French. I think. ARGHS i dont know! But right now, my school choices are....
1. Dunman High School
2. Chung Cheng High School
3. Cedar Girls' Secondary School
4. Anglican High School
5. Tanjong Katong Girls' School
6. Singapore Chinese Girls' Schoolyep.. i think im gonna settle with that. HAHA. no wait, that aint funny. ANYWAY, about my life so far...
I went iceskating yesterday at the new rink in Kallang. ITS SO BLIDDY NEAR MY HOUSE! haha. It was fun. Specially with all my friends around me. Except the guys of course. They were too busy doing pointless stuff than to hang out with friends.. LOL. Then we went to Gitta's house and played Wii! My baseball skills have like, improved i guess.. ARGHS. Im so slow. i just found out Bart was color-blind. And i've known him for AGES. i cant believe it... I guess that's it for the weekend.. Nothing much. Just a get together with friends. As usual.
FRENCH. Thats what im gonna take. Decided as of NOW.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
hyperness over PSLE
OMG. im so
HYPER!! WHY? you wanna know WHY?
To everyone who THINK they got VERY low, dont worry about it. Its not all
about books and cleverness. You are probably better at dancing, singing, acting,
playing an instrument.. ETC. Just remember, being smart isnt the answer to being
succesful. You gotta WORK hard to PLAY hard.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I feel BREADY right now. I had like, BREAD for
breakfast, BREAD for lunch, BREAD for snack and BREAD for supper at 10pm. i did
not eat DINNER.
BREAD is good. RANDOMNESS rocks too.
The Crapiest Pickup Lines??
Well doesnt everyone think its hilarious when people (not just guys but mostly guys.. ) use lame pickup lines to attract a person of the opposite sex.
Think JOEY from FRIENDS for example. his favourite and ONLY pickup line is "How you doing?" Its really pathetic. But still, for Joey, thats quite smart already. no offence dear Joey.
So back to the topic... LAME pickup lines just sometimes turn people off. Especially if you use it over and over again. It just gets weird.
So which of these pickup lines would you use?? [look down smarta**]
1. How you doing?? [Joey style XD]
2. Hi, my name is ______. Will you go out with me?
3. Hey girl/boy, did you know that if i could rearrange the alphabet, i'd put U and I together.
4. Hey ____, Im _____. Would you like to be my friend??
Personally, i wouldnt choose any of them. But I asked my friend too and she chose number....
1 But thats just her. And anyway, she likes FRIENDS. And she adores Joey. haha.
So honestly, what would you choose??
Lame pickup lines are LAME. so dont ever use lame ones. Ha.
you'll just lose that person you're lusting after.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Yesterday was so fun! OMG it was fun! hahahaha.
In The Morning
Me, SY, Peiqi, Rebecca, Christine and Ben Loke met up under Rebecca's block and then we took the bus to Downtown East... Then since Hilman, Dali and Afiq not yet there, we decided to go to the arcade. lol. first thing i did :: parapara!! hahahahahhaa. then after that i did the DDR thing with rebecca in the higher up lvl. quite hard but still fun. then we met up with hilman, dali and afiq so we went to WWW. we did loads of fun stuff. i didnt dare do the SlideUp thing. haha. though i wanted to. but yeah, it was quite fun. then in the tsunami place, i pushed Denise off her float in the 1.5m area, then she almost drowned. and i was in shock. YOU KNOW WHY?! she told everyone she could swim!! i was like, WTH?! so anyway, after WWW, we went to McDo to eat lunch. we brought some fries to the chalet for the Sec ppl...
So at the chalet, there was a kind of brief intro between the P6s and the Sec2s. then after that, the Sec2s go watch this mahjong movie while the rest all did their own things. hilman and dali brought electric guitar...
when the food came, and the charcoal was there, Timo and Joe and Daniel Tan and Marcos started the fire. haha. daniel low didnt even bother to help.. Shermine and the other girl (forgot her name) just watch us.. fishball was like, "Timo, with your muscles and my brain, we can make fire!" lol. that means timo got no brains!! hahahahahhaha. Joe is so vulgar. but funny and retarded. When the fire finally started and loads of firestarters wasted, we started cooking. haha. we cook food, put on plate and turn around to put on the food table right? the FOOD didnt even reach the table. LOL. that means our cooking skills ROCK. but the chefs only managed to eat at around 8.30. loads of ppl already left by then. BUT, some idiot ppl didnt throw away their plates and stuff. and Joe and Timo got really mad. Went upstairs to the room where everyone was and shouted loads of vulgarities. then EVERYONE didnt even move. only ppl who volunteered to help was ME, Christine and Denise. after that, all the frickin assholes ran home cuz they scared kena scolding. huh. SCARED. COWARDS.
well it was quite fun all in all. i really enjoyed. hope everyone who went did too and that we'll all stay in touch...
Sunday, November 18, 2007
hugs & final goodbyes
a sad sad day it was on
16 November 2007. It was the last day most of us were ever gonna be together...
at around 4pm, the cheerleaders welcomed the VIPs and Guest of Honor. then well, we went back to the meeting room and most of the chinese girls(not being racist here) were doing sum sort of disco.. but the malay girls were mostly being
emo and lying down.. lol. funnay!
then we performed at the finale. i was standing/
dancing right in front of the VIPs, blahblahblah. quite fun.. then when the guests left, 6H and i were doing some freestyle on stage. wakakakakkakas.
BUT, here comes the sad part. The moment i went downstairs, most of the P6s who came were already there hugging, some crying... i got this marker and asked ppl to sign my shirt XD. then loads of ppl followed suit and asked ppl to sign their shirt too! haha. i was crying a little...
BUT, the moment i saw Huda and sat next to her, i started BAWLING and crying...
Huda and i were like, the best of friends.. so many good memories with her.. we used to walk home together after netball, we sat together in buses during netball, we talked alot, we shared secrets, we had fun together, we even made up some fun things to do together.
I will definitely miss her... To All My Friends I Had To Say Goodbye To...
We went through moments that were happy and sad
We helped each other through times that were both good and bad
You supported me when I was in tears
We stuck together when there was fear
The distance between us wont tear us apart
Because for me
You'll forever be in my heart.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
sadness fills the last few spaces of my heart...
im so horribly sad... why? WHY? WHY?
Because Mr Lim had this retirement ceremony today and i cried. YES i cried. i cant believe it. i cried. then at the end of the day, i went to visit Mr Lim and Mdm Rostinah in their offices. took pics with them.. I was so touched by the ceremony.. AND, Mr Lim
sang for us. He sand this song called
My Way. boy was he good!
Then when we got back to class, Mr Idham made us realise that today was technically our last day... So i went around asking for autographs. And Afiqah made these little thingys that we can keep as momentos. Im so sad that i couldnt give anything back to her.. I feel bad for that.. Yeah,, it was sad...
i cant believe primary school is over and done with. i just cant believe this. Somehow i wish i could pinch myself and wake up from this dream and think we still have 2 more weeks in school to go... I will miss all my friends SO MUCH. i cant imagine..........
OH MAN. Next Thursday is PSLE Results Release day.. im scared/nervous/excited... Oh well....
Im gonna cry alot tomorrow. I bet.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
i have only 3 more weeks(approx.) before i move to my new house in tanjung rhu... OH NO!! my autograph book isnt even completed.. Mr Idham's fault. take too long to write!! ALWAYS forget to bring summore.. soo gonna miss my neighbourhood. even without security guards, i still feel safe and at home. i know almost all my neighbours.. i know shortcuts through the neighbourhood. my childhood (that i remember) was spent here.... i will really miss it... and i'll miss all my friendly neighbours. how we helped each other.. all those mini-adventures. and all those afternoons spent with my neighbours/schoolmates around the neighbourhood.. i cant believe im moving away.. OKAY technically it aint AWAY cuz its still in singapore.. but i'll miss the ECP highway going to the city area.. the nice green stuff surrounding the cars that whizz past. but when i move, i wont have to take 20min to reach the city! thats good. but i'll miss the scenery and GREENERY. aww man... i wonder if my friends will ever forget me.. how will i ever visit my primary school often?? its too far away.. i wish i could be in 2 places at one time.. that would be cool. or have 2 houses! oh how i wishh......the good thing about moving??? i'll be nearer to many of my schools of choice, and i'll be nearer to most of my childhood friends... i'll be nearer to the city area where i can shop... For the love of convienence, i must leave a place i'll always remember....
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
hahaha today damn fun! we went to the zoo for our so-called graduation trip..

Anyway, we went on the bus at around 8.40am i think. pasensia na! i dont have watch... ANYWAY, i sat with
amira at the
back of the bus with
amalina,afiqah and
gina. then me and amira play this racing game. forgot what its called.
Anyway, the trip going to the zoo wasnt that fun....
When we reached the zoo, Mr. Idham went to go buy our tickets. hahaha. i got a monkey one..
proboscis monkey is the name! quite cute actually. but
im a monkey and thats not right XD.
Once we got into the zoo, it was drizzling. ok not exactly drizzling. just a little worse.. but some people totally ignored their umbrellas (denise) and some people were singing the Umbrella song (amira). siao right? hahaha. i kena poke by the umbrellas. too short already.. so we walked through the
treetops trail and then we went around the area.. blahblahblah. then we went to the
polar bear enclosure to watch the feeding time. the bears were called
BA and
INUKA(sheba's son) Inuka is the FIRST polar bear in the world to be born in a tropical climate!!
After we watched the show, we walk around somemore and Hilman did this Mocca thing. he was like, walking past the monkey place and then he point saying "I'm selling my friends! They're clean and healthy! That one over there is Ah Meng! and this is Ah Boon! that one over there is John! please, buy my friends." hahaha. he was like that guy selling his house. so retarded. but still funny XD. it was so funny!! then we saw lions, giraffes and leopards.

NOW, its the
yummy part =D.
KFC!!! waaaahhh. me and denise share 1 popcorn chicken meal and 1 cheesy fries. plus one milo drink. afterwards
we went to play at the playground. some boys and girls were sliding down on the roller thingys...

SOO... after we had our fill, we kept on walking walking walking... just kept on walking walking walking. to the animal land next door. HAHAHAHAH. so cute sia the animals. i was the 2ndMeridian to go in and touch them!! ahahahhahaha. Ghee Ren was first. hahahaha. sooo
me with Max >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
me with this ferret XD
me with Major[Max's older bro]>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
then we walk walk walk walk walk walk walk again =D i think we walked to this Critters Cave or sumthing like that. all the squirrels, mousedeer, squirrels.... cute =) i lazy put photo lah...
WALK AGAIN. to the White Tigers!! DID YOU KNOW that there used to be 10,000 tigers in the world but now there are only 7,000? WOW. AND all tigers are Asian. 1 in 100 tigers is white, so white is really rare.
then we walk AGAIN. this time we walk to ermm.... the souvenier shop!
i took
pic of my shoes! GLOWING in the DARK. hahahahahaha.
then we took the bus home!! hahaha. at first Amira sitting next to me. then she go sit next to Khairul XD. hahaha. FUN!!!
i really wish that we'd do it all over again! even though my feet hurt like hell..
Monday, November 5, 2007
Zoo Trip
YAY!! Tomorrow we going to the zoo!! hahaha. SOMEHOW, im sooo excited to go to the zoo. i have no idea why...
Yeah.. tmrw we'll be leaving at around 8.30-9am. then we'll come back at around 3pm..
BUT, unlike most ppl, I have to stay back cause Mr Chee will buy the
senior netballers Mcdo!! yay!! finally. he owe us for sooo long! Yeah.. then we'll be showing the juniors how to
really play netball. haha. we rule.
Then i have to help Mr Idham to help the boys prepare for
Stomp. plus, i also have cheerleading in the morning, but i think i'll be too tired cuz its in the morning... OMG.
Today i went to my 3rd Sec1 tuition... SOO CONFUSING.
I Dont Understand.
still freaked out about the White Lady.
White Lady
I AM SO FREAKED OUT. thanks alot Gericho. AND Grace. im soo freaked out now...uhh yeah, yesterday we watched a tagalog movie called White Lady. It was damn freaky... GOSH. but at the end of the movie, you can safely say that the ppl the ghost was haunting DESERVED it. HAHAHA. it was nice though. Cute guy... gotta ask who played Jonathan sa movie. Anyway, halfway through the movie, we had a short intermission to get some drinks, food, etc... then i was leaning against this wall and then Gericho pointed behind me and said," Cheska, there's an extra shadow behind you." OBVIOUSLY i was freaked out. i SCREAMED and then jumped on Gericho. hahaha. i shouldve seen my face. i bet it looked hilarious... gericho i hate you... Yeahhh... and then for MY revenge, i dug my fingernails into his arm while watching the movie. HAHAHA. woots i Rock. damn fun anyway... even if it is only just me, inah, grace, and gericho (plus the twins!!)Suddenly i feel like playing O2 Jam...
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Chung Cheng High School
WOW.Just went to the Chung Cheng Open House thingy and it was soo cool. The campus is sooo HUGE. our "tour guide" was this girl called Rachel. yeah shes pretty cool. the SCHOOL is cool.They have a canteen block which serves JAP., CHINESE,WESTERN and HALAL food. it also sells snacks like hamburgers and sandwiches. There's a drinks stall too. Then there's the uhm... "NEW" block which has all the science labs, humanities rooms, computer labs... Really cool. Most of the rooms are air-con.. Nice. Its the main building...AND there's the other block which has the museum (about the school's history), the staff rooms, the general office and this room called the AHA Room which is actually a room where students can go to study after school. its air-con. it also has the school auditorium where assembly on mondays are held.Then there's this other block (forgot what its called) which has the Dance/Music Studios. it also has other facilities that i forgot. LOL. i think it has the sports hall. I THINK. Outside that block, theres this I-Cafe which sells drinks like Bubble Tea, Cold Milo, blahblahblah.. Apparently they built it so that students wouldnt go outside to this gaming centre to get nice drinks. so they built a cafe in their school! XD.The LAKE. OMG. the LAKE. its soo awesome. it has Koi and some turtles. haha. used to be 4 times bigger though. according to them. they use it for some school stuff though...GAWD. chungcheng is like a damn good school. Good achievements, nice uniform, errr, nice CCAs, loads of good points. PLUS, its near my new house! Cool.. 5 min car ride i think...So yeah, maybe its gonna be in my first 2 choices..... its really good....
(i'd put pics but im too lazy)