cause lately i've
dance with me

Put on my records, know my song,
if you're lucky, we might just sing along.
yes, i mean you.
not you, i meant you.

then read me a book,
a classic, any story.
I like Shakespeare and Twilight.

head down to the mall,
pick out some boho-chic.
give me my scarves, my t-shirts,
my flats, my sneakers.
my oversized shades with a coutoure jacket.

and we'll waltz into the movie,
grab a seat in the back,
enjoy the thrill,
of living in another time and riddle.

but at the end of the day,
when sunset has gone,
and twilight has fallen,
one last goodbye,
and a slamming screen door.
is all that we're leaving.


collision control


sectionFIVE ♥
2 Empathy ♥



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Sunday, June 29, 2008

9:08 PM
Okay let's see, it's 9pm.
I have homework, yet to be done, that is due tomorrow.
original plan was to chiong in the morning since i have like half an hour then. BUT, since got section meeting there wouldn't be enough time D:

anyway, i went out today.
Catechism in the morning, then went to Suntec.
Got contacts yay (:

Had lunch at TONY ROMA'S hahahaha.
fattening D:

Went to Carrefour afterwards to shop around ladeedum.
Ended up at Starbucks drinking my CHOCOLATE CREAM CHIP.

then went back to church for mass, then went to leisure park for dinner.

guilty pleasures guilty pleasures.

Oh and i think i have ADD.
like seriously.
While shopping i would keep stopping and looking and browsing and whatever.

Okay seriously, now i don't know why i'm blogging.
My life is not that interesting now.
I mean, whatever that i originally wanted to say are all forgotten.

I don't really want that much for my birthday.
Although the number of gifts is a huge factor in my happiness.
i'm just not sure of what i want..
Roi+Kaline+Christine all know what i REALLY want.

shhhhhh dont tell ahahaha.

okay my blogposts are getting boring.
IM getting boring.
MY TAGBOARD is dying like what the heck.


Friday, June 27, 2008
i miss my rock. KARA FTW (:
8:55 PM
because you make me believe in myself, when nobody else can help.

so alot of things have run through my mind these few days.
they come.
and eventually, in five seconds,

they go.


KARA has been my everything these few days.

Netball this week a bit rough. eeeeek.
Tuesday training only ran one round. lucky :D
But Thursday training ran two rounds. I ran with BECKIE DEAR ;D
amazing that i managed to keep up. but, considering the fact that she wasnt feeling well, i think i not that good la ahaha.
Anyway, Beckie+Stephie+Anna are all in the school team yay (:

Yesterday was KEVIN'S bday (:
happy sixteenth!
Aiya please don't ask him when my bday is. so embarassing lol.
jkjkjk, but if you ask around right, i must get a present or something ah!

this post will not have any storyline to it, probably, because im just typing the first thing that comes into my mind.

Wow, the year's going by fast.
It slows down during exams and stuff, but whatever.
The rest of the year is speeding by..

i memorised it yay! hahahaha.

Some people are calling me a bitch.
HOW, may i ask, am i being a bitch ??
Like, seriously. If you wanna insult a person, do it straight up in their face.
that's how i like it done.

My rock hasn't been there for me lately.
I feel sad about it.
I mean, dearest rock didn't make a promise, nor did i ask for one,
but my rock has been there all this while,
why isn't my rock here now ??

Oh well, nothing is perfect.
Specially not in my world.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
i'm on their side, i'm sorry.
4:47 PM
the last post was a BORE.
but whatever.

Mr M took my student diary thing today.
and he read it.
i just so stupidly left it on my table, and when i realised he was eyeing for an interesting looking one, i quickly grabbed it off.
UNFORTUNATELY, that attracted his utmost attention and kaline and i were like hugging the frickin book.
god, there goes my privacy.
ah, but he didnt read anything OUTLOUD.
but, yeah. OMG those of you who know what's in it, you would freak out with me.

1, 2, 3, SCREAM!

i'm in dying need for a super cold place to stay, some icecream, and an automatic homework machine.

okay Mt. Homework is calling out to me once again.
see ya people ;D

jiayan, what you did was seriously wrong. no amount of sorrys can counter that. seriously, WHY did you do that to him? he's your friend! did you ever consider what you did? i'm sorry, but i'm on their side.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
rushed ;D
11:13 PM
Had quite alot of fun today. Even if it was bliddy torture.

First period was erm, CMP.
we got a new teacher.
he's so BORING, but whatever. i doodled the whole lesson.
and omfg we're gonna have a TEST?!

Second lesson was PE yay!
haha took height and weight first. I lost 2kg omg ?
and then, erm, we ran 1.6km i think. or 1.2.
TIMING = 7min 38 sec


After recess had lit.
poems rock, but understanding the THEORY part is horrid.

Then we had BIO.
i like Mrs Tan.
her lessons are fun.
she showed us this bimbo joke, just to get us in the mood.
haha it was funny ;D
And i actually used what she taught me to get back at my mom for "scolding" me.

Last period was chinese,
but teacher didnt come.
So the relief teacher came in.
but it was too noisy.
SO, i stuck my earphones in my ear and listened to it to sleep.
I woke up when the rest of the class was playing some game. and i had no interest. so i just smsed people under the table...
suddenly like some people were shouting ANNA ANNA.
i thought i was in trouble T.T
but luckily, it was only because i was supposed to go to the board and draw something.

After lunch and before netball,
chatted with Beckie and Steph :D
gossip? no.
heart-to-heart talk? yes awwwww.
no just kidding.

Netball was killer. But never mind.
i ran till 3rd place.
TIMING = 6min 48sec

i ran faster yay.

then we had BEEP TEST.
oh man i hate it. but i reached level 5 so i think thats okay ba.
gave up there cause like, no motivation?

anyway, gonna edit this post tomorrow. sleeping time:D

Monday, June 23, 2008
candy-love-filled day, my most happy MONDAY.
5:55 PM
I think rulers have this weird psycho grudge against me.
ALL my rulers have disappeared, and i mean ALL.
gosh, what did i ever do to deserve this ?

Anyway, today was this huge candy-filled day.
and very weirdly gross and disturbing.

Start of the day, Maths and Geography lesson.
Nothing much.
Geog is as boring as ever.

After recess was english, which was also quite boring.
Only fun part was the thing Kaline, MingSiew and I wrote.
Something about this guy, who is supposedly our nephew, who murdered a cat, and his plane crashed.

Then next lesson was PHYSICS.
omgod seriously,
yeah sure he's a nice teacher and what, but like, please,
he told us that you should make this IRON PENDANT and give to whichever girl you like. (or guy.)
then, you put a super strong magnet in your pocket and then when the pendant is attracted to you, you tell the girl that YOU WERE MEANT TO BE.
holy crap it was so sick grrrrrrr.
Oh most-pukable-moment award goes to when he tried to do a sort-of demo NEXT TO ME. and walao he was like SO SICK.
and Kaline was just at the back, happily laughing and telling it to Roi.

Yes that was gross. Oh Mr Lam's lessons are full of random stupid things....

Anyway, lunch time!
Kaline and I brought down candy for Roi.
He can't open the candy wrapper lol.
Then after we were done crapping about outside the canteen, we went to our class to help Roi take tie, cause he too lazy to get his own tie from the floor above.
Went to canteen to eat lunch ladeedaaaaaaaaaa.

Oh yes during lunch Roi was damn funny.
He came back with his curry chicken thing, and then he noticed that his -kaline's- tie had some curry.
He looked at it and said..
"Oh SHIT. My -- , YOUR tie!"
to Kaline.
hahahahahahahahaha omg just seeing his face was priceless ;D

Yeah so afterwards was just going back to class for interaction, then going off to LT1 for assembly.

ahhhhh okay tuition tuition tuition.

Sunday, June 22, 2008
ironman beats hulk anytime.
1:54 PM
what do you do when it all falls apart?

I watched THE INCREDIBLE HULK last night.
not THAT Incredible D:

Oh and then Robert Downey Jr came out at some point and i was like,

aw yeah IRONMAN is HOTTER :D

there's actually nothing much to like, blog about lately.

argh omg omg omg omg omg.

okay im being distracted by Monster House on TeeVeeeeeeeeeee.

Saturday, June 21, 2008
romeo, juliet, mi amore.
6:49 PM
i once told you that i loved you.
i once told you that i cared.
i asked if you loved me too.
that answer you never shared.

baby one day is all it took,
that eyes your smile your look.
this aint done by the book.
romeo can go to hell,
juliet can move along.
all i want is you right here with me.
so darling cant you see.

i couldn't think of words to say.
five seconds, goodbye, and you walk away.
i lay awake most nights just thinking
about ways to make you stay.
ran out of options
bolted out the door.
now here i am just wanting more.
don't forget, here's your promise ring,
"forever you and me"
you're my everything, mi amore.
copyright ANNA(:

yes okay such a nice (emo - according to Roi) song thingy.
but is it nice though ?? what do you -reader- think?
and actually, reading it, may not help.
I saw it as a music video first so maybe you could formulate your own music video.

please note that the video color is not very bright. (:
more The Veronicas kind.
got it?

I think i'll dedicate that song mostly to VICKY, and to Roi too cause he's first to read ;D

Friday, June 20, 2008
stupid entertaining memories.
5:11 PM
Mr Chua dancing omg.
group 2 performance ;D
group 4 performance ;D
Mr Ryan Chia.
seniors dancing, ballroom style (:

hahahaha. spastic-ness.

Credits to Jessica and XieShern

Thursday, June 19, 2008
remembering sunday, he falls to his knees
9:33 PM
Homework is on the verge of..

He woke up from dreaming and put on his shoes
Started making his way past 2 in the morning
He hasn't been sober for days

Oh yeah, I just remembered Kevin's little speech at the end of Tuesday's dinner.
Yes, i know its damn cheem and what not,
but if you can like, THINK IT THROUGH,
it's actually actually sensible (:

"No matter how i see it, its nothing more than a pile of sand. What matters is
the amount of effort put in. If everyone were to build a mountain of sand with
the very same effort and heart, i would still buy that plain mountain of sand no
matter what it takes." - Kevin Na


Homework homework homework...
I think can slack a bit on the shiyongwen thing.
And duhougan can like, do it not-so-well-ish.
ACC things i memorise le, so no worries...


She pulled on his hand with a devilish grin
She led him upstairs, she led him upstairs
Left him dying to get in.

Maths E-learning can do until damn sian la...
Some things are like SUPER SUPER GINORMOUSLY complicated.

Even though she doesn't believe in love,
He's determined to call her bluff
Who could deny these butterflies?
They're filling his gut

Oh yes, i do have some pics i told Roi about.
the things i drew ;D
I have colored it nicely now.
Just need to upload. OF COURSE, i am too lazy to do that right at this hour so whatever.

She's been running through my dreams
And it's driving me crazy, it seems
I'm going to ask her to marry me

Music is my one way of letting go.
I just realized.
Songs, songs and more songs (:
Oh and dancing to them too.

Oh, I can see now that all of these clouds
Are following me in my desperate endeavor
To find my whoever, whoever she may be

you passed me your stupid stiff germs.
how could you be more selfish?! *pouts*
ah oh well.

And in case anyone's been paying attention to the lyrics,
and LIKE the lyrics.
The song it's from is called...
go check it out.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
another day, another quiz
10:49 PM

Copy and paste to your own journal, erase my answers, and add your own.Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real places, names &/or objects, but nothing made up! Try to use different answers if the person you got this from has the same 1st initial. You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question. And Have Fun With It!!! AND TAG 5 PEOPLE TO DO THIS :D

1) 4 letter word: ARGH.
2) Boy Name: Alvin? Alphonso? Andy(eeeeeeeeee)!
3) Girl name: Alicia? Amy? ALICE!
4) Occupation: ARTIST WHEE~
5) A colour: apple-RED-with-orange
6) Something you wear: around-the-neck-scarf-thingy?
9) Something found in a bathroom: all-uses-lotion-cream :D
10) A Place: Australiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
11) Reason for being late: ahhhhhhhhhh *shrugs at teacher*
12) Something you shout: AWESOME.

I will tag...
1. JiaYan -cause she always does quizzes-
2. Alphonso -cause he has the same initial so maybe its harder?-
3. Ariel -cause she has the same initial so maybe its harder.-
4. Roi -cause he's nice enough to do most of the time-
5. Bea -cause i think B is hard to do ;D-

sunburns don't last long, but memories last forever (:
11:58 AM
yesyes fun hahaha.

Warning: this post will be very long.

Went to school at around 8.30am.
Saw Hsin Tung and walk to Concourse with her.
Mostly seniors were there.
Ahahaha Roi, Yangjun and Cheeliang doing some gay things.
As people came, i noticed that there were SO LITTLE sec1s present..
Anyway, headed to 1MD room for briefing. Split up into groups afterwards.

Shuhadah, WeiJie, Jia Xin, Cheryl, Xin Yi, Zi Hao and Alicia were in the group.
our mascot was this really cute CJ-7 kind of SK warrior lol.
We made our mascot at the GA heehee.
took supplies from General Office hohoho.

Anyway, after the mascot-making, we were supposed to go to ECP!
for Treasure-less Treasure Hunt yes!

*sigh* Kevin's group jaywalk tsktsk.
Dear Alicia wouldn't let us jaywalk or whatever at all.
Even at ECP, we were only allowed to use the zebra crossings to cross lanes. GAH.

Our race started near Bedok Jetty, near the seafood place and the wakeboarding place.
We walked and walked and found the stall, after which we then sat down to eat. Ran into Alphonso/Roi's group. At that time, Kevin's group was apparently at station 4/6.

Well, we just continued our way, walking from seafood area, to McDonalds area, to seafood area again, to final destination at lighthouse.

OH YES. as we walked our final 100m to the lighthouse, we saw that we were 2nd place. WOOTS~
even funnier?
Alicia kinda "scolded" us cause we had low morale, always expecting to be last or whatever. And when we saw we were second, the first thing we said was...


hahaha. AND, also considering the fact that we hardly rushed to do anything. we even let bus43 pass us before boarding the NEXT bus43. haha.

Anyway, we had telematch next.

#1 - Spiderweb.
my team broke record. got 5 people over. UNFORTUNATELY, it was second try, so not counted. Kevin's group did stretching, but didn't get anyone across lol.

#2 - Battle
Supposed to protect our mascot. We put ours under the bucket, keep it dry ;D
We were kind of the last team standing so the other groups tackle us haha. But Shuhadah ran away with the mascot. OMG Mr Ryan Chia saw us getting beaten up still dont want to blow whistle. SADISTIC.
My shoes got wet, and sandy. So it was totally disgusting.
but it was VERY disgusting when my whole shirt, and shorts, and body got wet. :(

#3 - Clean Up
It doesn't sound like a game, but it is. We were supposed to pick up as much plastic bags as we could. The ones we threw. We lost awww. But nvm, we cleaned the beach anyway (:

So we were seriously seriously DISGUSTING now, so we walked to the arcade to change and clean up. REFRESHING WHEEE~
Then we walked to Parkway's FairPrice to buy groceries for dinner. We had to take 2 trolleys haha. One for bags, one for the food we bought.

we headed back to school to do our outdoor cooking. We had spaghetti and curry noodles. Spaghetti was PLAN A. Curry noodles was PLAN B.
and as with every plan B we had, the curry noodles were kind of wasted in the end.

oh and we had fine dining cause we ate at Concourse table as a team :D
We finished at around 8.30pm so we went to shower.
While waiting for more people to walk to LT1, Roi told some ghost story things. I refused to listen haha.

So as a big group, we walked to the LT.
Walked to Concourse hang out first.

After a while, Chee Liang and Lowell came to us eating from this tin. Labelled as "Cocktail Fruits" or something. Then they started slurping it and we realised it was SPAGHETTI lol.
Okay soon Ms Chen i think opened the LT, and we went in.

Sat down next to Cherylmine, but noone on my right side. Then YangJun keep saying something will sit next to me blahblahblah. In the end, Erin and erm, forgot-who sat in the same row, but still got empty seat next to me. Roi came to sit there yay ;D

the movie was...
mustangs yeahhhhhhhhhhhh.
but super lag haha.
most memorable scene was the "nose-cup" one cause of Roi and YangJun.

So debrief at around 12am, and finish at 12.35 i think.
Went back to bunks to sleep afterwards (:

Woke up at 6am. Slept quite okay. Went to change, wash up, pack up.
At 6.30 started walking from bunk to canteen with bags. Was like, THIRTY SECONDS late? oh well.
Breakfast was MILO and BREAD and JAM and MARGARINE.
Went to GA to fill up my cup with hot water.

7am++ boarded the bus. Sat with Cherylmine, Hua Qian, Hsin Tung and Shuhadah at the back.
Sometime later, Kevin stood up and asked sec1's to do intro.
First one was me T.T

Reached ECP, nearer to Bedok Jetty side.
quite fun heeeheeee.
We made a theme park, and my team did the CASINO.
All in all, it was really really really nice. and HUGE. and probably stable haha.
Tried to sell it to PLMGS nearby.
They tried to sell theirs to ours, making it super cheem.
But we got more SPIRIT woots.

After the sandcastle building, we took pictures around the sandcastles, and the plaque thing the seniors made.

some of us stayed back to jump into the water, play around.
I didn't jump in. just splash around first.
Then sneakily, CheeLiang and Lowell came to me and were trying to push me in.
I already tried digging my heels into the sand, and i tried to sit down.
UNFORTUNATELY, i got pushed in.

kena bullied sia.

Atleast i got to enjoy the water :D

Roi went to SWIM. and he came out bleeding. awwww.
must be more careful next time.

Cherylmine, Bryan, Brandon and I ended up walking towards Mac's to eat. Cause it's near the bus stop they need to go to. And because we wanted to eat Mac's. hahaha.

Went home afterwards, to shower, and go for the dinner.
Mom drove me to Paya Lebar MRT, but stupid traffic light, almost made me miss the group.
But i managed to catch up to them.
We looked so cool lol. All the nicely dressed people crossing the roads together. :D

Restaurant was at Tanjong Katong Complex, 4th floor.

EIGHT COURSE MEAL with free flow of orange soda. haha.
Jia Xin was pretty funny cause she would become super random.
And because she didn't eat the fish, she decided to serve it to us instead.
AWW, thanks!
But Shuhadah was funniest cause her meals came plate-by-plate.

We had to perform of course.
All the groups :D
Kevin's group did an exaggerated skit of our camp.
Alphonso's group did a dance to LOW, led by Roi.
My group did this "charades" game, guess the song title thing. ORIGINALITY.
Hui Jun's group sang and danced to a song. eh. peng you i think lol.

all really nice performances.
And once again, we said the SK Warrior's famous line.

Mr Chia showed this video/picture compilation of us at camp.
super super funny :D
one scene showed Lowell and Hui Jun -i think- carrying this pail of water towards my group, with the intent of pouring it on our base.
Then, i came running into the picture and pushing the bucket over hahahahahahha.

OH, during group 2's performance, EVERYONE got up to dance. Then Mr Chua did some kind of really flexy dance move and i was like, OMGOD. Then Mr Chia did "belly dance" lol.

Ended the night with pictures, pictures and more pictures. Talking too.
Roi, WeiJie, Lowell, CheeLiang, YangJun and Alphonso did twit poses until TEN.
omg super gay wheee~

had fun had fun ;D
and i'll only post pics when i get them, and upload.
Cause, i didn't take pics much with my phone, later can ask from people hahaha.

friendships formed.
barriers broken.
we're all closer now,
standing arms wide open :D

Sunday, June 15, 2008
twilight quotes and pressured teens?
11:40 AM
I haven't posted in a while...

Things that happened to me on Friday 13th.
1. Banging of doors in the house

Things that happened to me on Saturday 14th.
1. Scraped my elbow walking past a wall.
2. Got scolding by parents. (dinnertime)
3. Nicely timed dental appointment so i couldn't really eat dinner (steak T.T)
4. Walked and tripped 2-3 times.


Went to church yesterday though.
At Good Shepherd.
Priest was kind of saying something about this dude in Japan, who was being pressured to get top in class, top in level, etc.
That dude drove a truck straight into a crowd, jumped out, and shot anyone he could.
Priest says: Singapore is just the same.

Boy: mama look i got 4As!!
Mom: WHAT?!
Boy: yes yes yes i got 4As!
Mom: I DONT WANT A, i want A, STAR.

*sigh* the pressure...

HAHA my friend let me listen to this cool song.
Hollaback Boy - Cobra Starship.
I kinda knew of the band before, but i never knew the existence of that song. it's so GAY. hahahah . but nice and catchy :D

I should start doing my homework sometime soon hmm...
I mean, FINISH doing my homework.

Stolen - Dashboard Confessional

And oh yes, TWILIGHT has released it's first official scene.
And Robert is actually pure-god in it ;D
and in interviews, Kristen and him are like so close, and he kept trying to put his arm around her..
BUT, her fugly boyfriend was there.
Gosh, if i were her, i'd break up with my fugly boyfriend and run away with Robert.

Go search youtube for Twilight!

yeah i think i'll end here?

"and so the lion fell in love with the lamb.
what a stupid lamb.
what a sick, masochistic lion."

"Of all the things about me that could frighten you, you worry about my driving."

"do i dazzle you?"

"And you're worried, not because you are headed to meet a houseful of vampires, but because you think those vampires won't approve of you, correct?"

"If I could dream at all, it would be about you. And I'm not ashamed of it."

"You are the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever."

"You're wounding my ego ,Bella.I just proposed to you, and you think it's a joke."

"So what you're saying is, I'm your brand of heroin?
Yes, you are exactly my brand of heroin."

"Twilight, again," he murmured. "Another ending. No matter how perfect the day is, it always has to end."

"I hear voices in my mind and you're worried that you're the freak?"

and the most famous one?


Thursday, June 12, 2008
angel of god, my guardian dear...
10:36 PM
OH YES. before i forget.
Last night we ordered KFC for dinner.
and guess what?
It wasn't my dad's name recorded.
It wasn't my mom's name recorded.
It was MINE!
hahahahaha so cool so cool.

And loads of people are quoting what i said today..
PLEASE. i am not that blur.
I just forgot what i said, that's all.

Sometimes, talking about certain things makes me think clearer. I tend to hang out with people older than me. Ariel's older. Eunice is older. Gosh, Bea is older. My teachers used to say that i was mature beyond my age... i guess i know why now.

I can give the silliest theories, but it's just a theory. AND, it does make sense.
I can give people advice that makes sense, and HELPS. But this advice are to some situations i've never been in before. Yet, it's a success.
I can view things from different points of views. And i often wonder what its like viewing the situation from someone else's point of view.


but i like it. *shrugs*

Oh i remembered something.
A week ago i think, my mom found a scan of the last letter my great-grandmother wrote to me. It was in 1999 or 2000 i think. March if i'm not wrong. It was a few months before she passed away though... It brought so much tears to my eyes...

She told me that i was talented, that i should work hard because i'll achieve what i strive for. She told me to be strong. She wanted me to do well in whatever i did, to make the family proud. She told me so much, advice mostly on my growing up. She hoped i would grow up to be successful...
Most of all, she told me she loved me, and that she missed me.

What strikes me the most is that, she wrote it as though she knew it would be her last letter. Somehow, i wish i was born earlier. Somewhere in 1991-1993. I'd have known her better...
She was my great-grandmother, mind you, but she was still as important.
I remember that letter...
Her elegant script...
The by-now yellow colored paper...
The way she wrote my name...
I want to make her proud. I want to be able to show my family that i can do it... Expectations are high, yes i know... But i want to do it for her...

Here's my prayer that she taught my mom too...
Angel of God,
my guardian dear,
To whom God's love
commits me here,
Ever this day,
be at my side,
To light and guard,
Rule and guide.


six feet under the stars...
3:37 PM
I should ask myself, what's with the sudden popularity of my friendster?
i mean, people have started adding me lately.
They are people i know though, long lost contacts.
but... why?

I've finally done most of my homework.
i'm chionging most of it today, and this week.

Science - coming along well. finishing it by today i hope.
English - Left with self-study, which i did partly yesterday. I hope i can finish it soon T.T
Maths - Also doing well. Left with questions i dont know how to do. Which i have already asked people for help. Just have to actually DO the question now.
Chinese - *sigh* i don't like this. it's WAY behind. I'm trying to finish my 读后感。But i still have the IB thing, which i have no idea how to START. BUT, 实用文 is doing well. I mean, i memorised the first paragraph hohoho.



Tonight will work on more of it yes yes yes.

Next week planning outing with people haha.
But, He Wei the mastermind hasnt come online for a long time. [jk only one day hahaha]
So, no final plan yet boohoo.

OH YESTERDAY, i went with Vanessa to Bugis/NLB to study.
We didn't study IN the library itself, because it was too quiet.
OMG i could only hear our footsteps.

So we went to the fifth floor courtyard where it was quiet, but not too quiet. And even if it was out in the open, there was still a breeze which was nice.
Vanessa made me soooo jealous cause she was more focused that i am.
Maybe sitting next to her next semester will do me some good hmmmm.
I have pictures, but i cant be bothered to upload them.

OH HEY, this is a perfectly sensible blog post that is relatively long.

okay shall get back to work now.
I feel guilty for slacking so much.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
ACDC pones M&M!
8:37 PM
omg omg. M&M Cru with a U has released their new video.
it's (more than) okay.
But comparing it with ACDC?
first challenge M&M
fights back ;D ACDC
not giving up! M&M
"ends" it?





Tuesday, June 10, 2008
rant rant rant rant
1:26 PM
Just a little rant on my... nostalgic-ness?

let's see.

60's, 70's, 80's, 90's.

Aretha Franklin (:
Bryan Adams (:

i blame my dad!

back in the summer of '69.

I don't know why.
i mean, i like current music. But, the older generation music is nice too!
rah. okay.

nostalgic nostalgia nostalgic nostalgia nostalgic nostalgia...

I think the best time to watch TV series was like, 1990 - 2005?

and books?

times have changed now....

You all should start looking back on our past :D
the people who inspired our current superstars yes.
All from EARLIER generations, that most people look down on now.

it just seems nice to be able to look back, and see the originators in action.


those were the best years of the world ;D

Monday, June 9, 2008
narnia high? WILLIAM MOSELEY:D
10:13 AM
OHKAY. i am so, so, so irritated at my inbox. No matter how many messages i delete, IT'S STILL ALOT.
luckily, i dont have any warning that its "too full" yet, so i really dont have to delete that much now.

RAH. okay, let's see....
Nothing much AGAIN.
yesterday was totally slacking.
then sugar high from 9-11pm.
so i went online.
chat with peopleeeee :D
Surprisingly there were still people online hahahahahahhaha.

But at 11pm, i felt tired. like SERIOUSLY tired.
my life battery went down to 0% lol.

yeah so that was it really.


Sunday, June 8, 2008
when it all falls apart
10:53 AM
Oh gosh i dreamt of William Moseley last night. ACHHH. t
his means i have to watch Narnia SOON or i'll die.


okay whatever.

I have this really horrible feeling that i'll cry at some point in/after the movie.
It's the last movie that William Moseley and Anna Popplewell will be main stars in. ))):

They'e like, one of the main reasons that i watch the movies.
Skandar Keynes isnt that bad either ;D
and OMG,
Georgie Henley is my age!

and Anna's majoring in English Literature in Oxford :D


I LOVE NARNIA WHEEEEEEEE~ 1st Movie ;D 1st Movie Bloopers William and Anna William and Georgie Skandar and Anna William, Georgie, Anna everyone :D MUST WATCH SPOILER :D

okay thats it im officially crazed.

Friday, June 6, 2008
happy ending (:
10:39 PM
today's not ending as bad as i thought it would.
Roi and Kaline cheered me up again :D

I finally did PART of my Maths, achievement bravo bravo.
and i finally understood my piano theory.
and i did part of my chinese.


i don't feel like blogging, because...
just because. :D

i miss you like heck/

just when i thought everything was perfect...
9:05 AM
i feel so horrible, so lost, so emo.
and at this point,
possibly desperate D:

Chinese is a very irritating subject. I could barely handle normal chinese, yet now i'm taking higher chinese. Yeah, sure, it's QUITE interesting. But, UGH, i can't do chinese. I can stare at my work for hours, scratch that. I can stare at my work for as much time as i have, and only get a few questions done. PATHETIC boo.

RAH, netball. Gosh. Coach is fun and strict. Not bad. But at the rate we sec1's are being trained, we might as well don't play in the tournament. We've only got two shooters, a few midfielders. The rest? pfft, never played netball before. at all.

I have an hour and a half left to do my tuition homework. Chinese, that is. Guess what? I CAN BARELY DO IT. gosh. Oh atleast i can maintain my C5 average for chinese -.-

It's not desperation per se, not yet anyway. Why can't i just go right in his face, and tell him what i mean to say. No i can't do that. So why then can't i seem to type it out in words, and press SEND when i'm done?
i don't want to wait for someone who's already decided to walk away.

One thing atleast is helping.
it's my own self-help DVD.
also, my own personal entertainment because
it was the greatest series from the 90's!

1. Chinese is a hard thing. It's a bliddy obstacle. Some reason or the other, it's probably necessary in my education D:
2. I have no right whatsoever to direct the team, direct the coach. All i can do is work hard. And pray hard that we do something good for chungcheng.
3. I'm not the only human being in this screwed up mess. All i wanted was a simple answer, so that i can choose to stay, or walk away. But, i can't always have what i want now can i?

facts. of. life.

Thursday, June 5, 2008
newfound jealousy?
1:46 PM
i can't let it go.
i'm slowly losing it all.
what's wrong with me?
it's that little bug, right by my ear.
feeding my insecurities.
feeding my poisoned jealousy.

Anna has officially died today.
I already drew my tombstone yesterday, with my cause of death stated.
oho, i loved my tombstone.

AND, also, like i said. the weather won't listen to a poor girl's pleas.
It was super super hot during training.
After training it started to cool down, and it began to RAIN.
yeesh i hate the weather.


hopefully, tonight will be a great time.
QAD, Roi and Kaline never fail to cheer me up.
Even if my troubles are still swimming in my head...

oh i still owe Kaline the "10 facts about me" thing. yeah im doing it soon.
it's gonna be different from everyone elses!

that feeling, that feeling...
i need someone to tell me it's okay.
i need someone to tell me i am wrong.
i need someone to tell me it's harmless.
i need someone to tell me what i want to hear.
and yet, still be sincere.

VANESSA, thanks alot seriously.

People say that telling your friends your troubles is supposed to help.
But everytime i do, why do i feel more worried?
I'm dumping something unwarranted for, onto someone who never asked for it.
Somehow, it just seems wrong and screwed.

I'm sorry you guys, that this post is so emo-tive. But, i really just need to get it out. Someway, without really troubling my friends.


but why can't you treat me like everyone else? i'm just another friend aren't i? why can't you do the same for me, just the same as you do for others? if not, why can't you do more? i just want the same treatment from a guy like you.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
end of the road darling.
7:36 PM
sometimes, you just gotta learn to move on.
when he doesn't like you back,
he ain't your Mr. Right.
so move on.
don't waste your time.

I think i am sub-conciously trying to kill myself.

Muscle ache is killing me right?
I still played tennis today.
Although, it didn't hurt WHILE i was doing it.
But AFTER, well i guess i died.

Sometimes, i feel bad when i crap to others about my troubles.
Sure, i get the load off my back but...
I trouble THEM with it too.
And usually, they don't crap about anything to me, so i dont get my fair share.
Maybe they really have nothing to crap about, but i still feel bad...

There's netball tomorrow.
I hope it doesn't rain.
So that we won't have to do our tiring, PAINFUL, fitness training.
But, global warming is making the sun HOTTER, so i hope it's not too sunny either.
RAH, but the world's weather won't listen to a poor girl's pleas now would it?


OH YEAH. my new tennis shoes ROCK. i love them wheee~

And, VANESSA, i love her too. Because, she's my crap partner. And soon, soon she's going to be my DESKMATE yay :D

CHENG CHENG rocks too because we can help each other alot (: too bad we aren't in the same class. awwww.

YESTERDAY was a perfect example of how hip my mom's side of the family was.
We had my ninang, mom, lola and tito.
all online.
all on msn.
all chatting.

okay shall go now.
try to motivate myself to STUDY.
pfft. yeah right.

100 Question Quiz
12:29 PM
001. What's the connection between you and the last person that called you?
I don't know who called me.

002. Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
uh. WHY must i ever turn it off?

003. What happened at 10.00am today?
eh. i was flipping through 3 pointless channels. E!entertainment, ChannelV, and MTVeeee.
super super educational.

004. When did you last cry?
possibly the other other Monday, during which someone special consoled me. awwww.

005. What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter?
I like it spread on a nice piece of white bread and a little bit of jelly on top. wheee~

006. What do you want in your life right now?
I want him. I want more time. I want some new electronic gadget.

007. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
depends on what i have. usually just run in the rain. cause i forget to bring umbrellaaaaas.

008. What's your favorite thing to have on your bed?
I like a cover on my mattress, a blanket to cover me, and 3 pillows. pfft.

009. What bottom are you wearing now?
White and yellow FBTs. ;D

010. Whats the nicest text in your inbox say?
Oh i dont know. People i text are nice to me. So i guess everything's nice. :D

011. Do you tend to make a relationships complicated?
nah. i dont think so. Cause i prefer simple things so that i won't get too confused and screwed up.

012. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
Nope. but i'm in possesion of Tricie's top. heehee(:

013. What was the last movie you caught?
Ironman, ironman, IRONMAN. I watched it thrice yay!

014. What are you proud of?
I'm proud of my heritage ya'll. Filipino, Chinese, Spanish.

015. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?
Something about.. HAPPY NEW YEAR. i think. it's either from sometime in January, or sometime in March/April. hahaha.

016. What was the last song you sang out loud?
Six Feet Under The Stars - All Time Low

017. Do you have any nicknames?
Cheska to my friends.
Doodle to my Ninang.
Cheska Marie to Tito Rene. (don't ask why..)
Cheska-LAH to my Tito Jojo.

018. What does your last received text message say? Who was it from?
it says.. something about mental torture. From someone. inSignificant other.

019. What time did you go to bed last night?
1 plus i guess. Was watching Bones on TV.

020. Are you currently happy?
I guess i should be. But im not really.

021. Who gives you best advice?
My friends. Trusted people.
pfft i dont trust Self-help books. They suck. They don't give you answers. lalalalala ;D

022. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
Sure. If i have it. My mom doesn't buy it anymore...

023. Who did you talk on phone last night?
I didn't touch the phone last night. Who is there to talk to? Ariel? nah shes overseas. RAWR.

024. Is anything bugging you right now?
Yeah. The fact that i can't push myself to do homework. And the fact that i haven't talked to him at all today.

025. What/Who was the last thing/person to make you laugh?
NIGAHIGA babeeeee.

026. Do you wear toe socks?
I would but i don't cause i don't have them. They look cool though.

027. Who was the last person you missed a call from?
AHAHA i usually miss any call. Cause my phone is always always on Silent. wheee~

028. Have you ever had your heart broken?
A little. But not into a million little pieces (:

029. What annoys you most in a person?
I won't say it at all cause i find faults in almost everyone. ALMOST.

030. Do you have a crush on anyone?
I guess so. hmhmhmhmhm.

031. Have you ever done cocaine?
No ew. I won't do drugs people.

032. What is the colour of your room?
It has black and red walls. A white false ceiling. And the real ceiling is black. ISNT IT SO COOL??

033. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollar?
Nah. If i hated that person, i wouldn't even bother walking to the person.

034. you believed in the saying "talk in cheap"?
No cause i don't know what that means. It doesnt even make sense.

035. Who was the last person to lay in your bed?

036. Who was the last person to hug you?
My little brother. awwww.

037. Did anyone see the last person you kissed?
I never kissed anyone. -.- besides. I don't think i would kiss and tell.

038. Do you have a life?

039. Have you ever think someone died, when they really didn't?
No. I haven't received news yet.

040. What is the reason behind your profile song?
Well, i have 10. Mostly, i like the songs. Another reason, it's to spread the love of music (:

041. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
I'm not telling =X

042. Last time you smiled?
Today, This morning. It was forced though...

043. Have you changed this year?
Possibly. No one's told me yet. Except for the fact that i got sportier and taller. puh-leasee. I doubt my height has changed so much.

044. What are you listening to right now?
My blog songs. I like them remember?

045. Are you talking to someone when you doing this?
I was talking to Vanessa. But she left me to eat lunch.

046. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?
Open duh. With them closed, i would bang into a wall. Not that i don't do that with my eyes open. But still!

047. Is there a quote you live by?
Not really. I just have lots of favorite quotes. I read too much.

048. Do you want someone you can't have?
Yeah. I don't think i can ever have the one i really want...

049. Have you ever played an instrument?
Yeah. I play the piano. Guitar a little, though i forgot. OH. and every kid who went to a Singapore school knows how to play the recorder. And i can play this Irish flute (:

050. What was the worst idea you've had in week?
I was curious about what would happen if i jumped down from the 2nd floor...

051. What were you doing last night at 11.00pm?
Looking for a blogskin.
Waiting for him, but he never came...

052. Are you happy with your love life right now?
Yeah i guess. Not really. Some people know why ;)

053. What song describe your love life?
I guess Hate That I Love You and You Wish. yep.

054. Does the person know that you like him/her?
Yeah i guess he does.

055. Who always make you laughs?
My friends. NIGAHIGA. QAD crew (:

056. Do you speak other language other than English?
Hell yeah! Chinese and Tagalog. And i can understand Spanish yeah. AND, now, MALAY.

057. Are you blond?
In my mind probably yes. In my physical self i dont think so. lemme check the mirror...

058. What your middle name?
Francesca YAY!

059. What are you doing tomorrow?
Going for another killer netball training. and probably TRYING to motivate myself to do my work.

060. What do you think you are like?
See my blog profile over there dude.

061. Who will you choose to die with?
No one. Unless they want to come with me.

062.Where have you been today?
Down by the pool to read my book. PS. I LOVE YOU.

063. What game do you play often?
Games are for childish people. pfft.

064. Who are you missing right now?
Him. My friends overseas/else where. My family overseas...

065. If you've to choose between friends & love, who will you choose?
Friends. Because they won't hurt you as badly as love. They won't break your heart into a million pieces.

066. What are you doing right now?
doing this quiz. wondering why i started doing it in the first place.
And listening to my AWESOME music.

067. Which primary school are you from?
Meridian. Which used to rock. But now pretty much sucks.

068. Name 3 colours that you like.
Green, Orange and Red. I like crazy BRIGHT colours.

069. What emotion you like to show?
eh. i dont know. I like showing people that im not a dump (?)

070. What is life to you?
Something worth living most of the time. Also a living hell sometimes.

071. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
Write it down several times in many different forms. Or tell my friends...

072. Who did you last chat in msn today?
CHENGCHENG darlinggggg.

073. Who do you admire the most?
Oh i dont know. I wrote about this somewhere for school. Why dont you go look for that..

074. Which month are you born in?
JULY. end of july though. So i guess im a JUGUST baby. wheeeeeeee~

075. How are you feeling right now?
Bored? Tired? In severe muscle pain. but overall happy im alive.

076. What is the time now?
1:13 PM.

077. Where are you now?
At home in front of the computer in a little island city in the Southern Hemisphere on Earth in the Solar System.

078. What colour did you use to dye hair?
didn't dye my hair. Not interested in doing so either.

079. Why are you doing this test?
Because i had nothing to do when i started it. But now i am tired of it.

080. What do you do when you're moody?
Listen to music. Read. Play the piano?

081. At which age you wish to get marry?
Middle or late 20s..

082. Who is more important to you? Boyfriend or friends?
FRIENDS. because of the whole "love will kill you" theory.

083. Do you think you have enough confidence?
Enough confidence for what exactly? Yeah i guess i have enough to do most of life's chores.

084. Who is the person you trust the most?
Ariel. And him. I think i can trust them enough.

085. Will you love your crush/boyfriend forever?
Nah. Maybe not. All Good Things Come To An End remember?

086. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
I stated this in a previous quiz. Go look for it. It's pretty long.

087. What is your goal for this year?
Get good results. Acheive something worth something.

089. What feeling do you love most?
I love being free!

090. Do you really think its Global Warming now?
UH DUH. pretty obvious considering the horribly hot weather.

091. What feeling you hate the most?
EMOness. and i hate jealousy.

092. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Sure. Unless they backstab me or whatever.

093. Do you believe in God?
Yeah. It's part of who i am. three-in-one and one-in-three.

094. Who cares for you the most?
My parents obviously.

095. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
My family. My friends. MY LIFE.

096. What'll you bring when you fight?
I'll bring my weapons and whatever dignity i have.

097. What have you regretted doing in your whole life?
Alot of things. But, no looking back for me (:

098. What would you feel if no one no longer cares for you?
I'd feel AWFUL. unloved obviously. jealous of everyone else who still has someone who loves them.

099. What if your stead two-timed you?
OH GOSH. BITCH SLAP. and other random stuff that i dont think you want to know.

100. what person do i really feel like punching now?
I'm not violent. So no one in particular.

People i tagged...
1. Cherylmine
2. ChengCheng
3. Denise
4. JiaYan
5. Roi
6. Alvin

IM DONE YAY. and it's sooo not colorful because im lazy. If you view this when it is nice and colorful, it means i EDITED IT okay. but at the time it was posted, IT WAS NOT EDITED.

time now: 1:24Pm.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
cause marriage is just a piece of paper
9:02 PM
yay GSS rocks.
first time in a long time that i'm actually able to go for GSS. usually i'm overseas, or having exams, like LAST YEAR.

Bought some stuff.

but no word from him yet. what happened?!
did he go missing?? zomg~

haha i bet not.
hmm, Xiaohui, maybe i should really change my blogskin...
BUT, i dont want something pink and lacey.
jk only.

ROI & KALINE, un-emo buddies. woohoo~ you guys rock.

YIKES. i really have lots and lots of homework to do, and i can barely make myself start.
because i spend almost every night online, waiting for him to come.
i think i need an alarm system.

I have this horrible, HORRIBLE body ache throughout my whole body.
My legs.
My calves.
My knees.
My stomach.
My arms.
My wrists.
too much netball and tennis.
My schedule this week is...
Monday - Tennis
Tuesday - Netball
Wednesday - Tennis
Thursday - Netball
Friday - free but i think i have piano.


Sweeney Todd, is nice. But mentally scarring.

Sunday, June 1, 2008
here's my fake smile.
10:10 PM
My dad's pretty pissed off today.
He tried to throw away my beloved basketball shoes.
He's slamming doors.
He's making unreasonable deals,
that I have to follow, even if i havn't agreed.


You know, this sucks. The fact that i'm just FIVE minutes away from Click Five.
Ironic huh?
So near yet so far.

DENISE I think this first year that we're in a different school, is a test of our friendship. But, seeing as it's already fallen apart, just after one semester, i'm having my doubts. We've had fights, alot of fights, over the years. What if we really weren't meant to be friends? Even others think that we're so different it's impossible that we'll stay friends. Is this change for the better?

Oh, well i have tennis tomorrow so i better get going...

MOM♥ Yes, as much as i love you and all. PLEASE can you just stay OUT of my stuff?! I've caught you reading my blog already, not just once. I've also caught you scrolling through my inbox. PLEASE, give me some privacy. I need my life. IM STILL GROWING UP. JUST PLEASE LEAVE MY STUFF ALONE. and why can't you just trust me sometimes? I'm old enough. I can make decisions on my own. if i need help, i'll come look for you.

Dear boy, i'll wait.

dirty little secret
10:57 AM
The song's awesome.
The video's awesome.
The video comments are awesome.

Some people have bigger secrets (:


Some people just have problems.