Thursday, December 27, 2007
edward cullen & twilight
I am ABSOLUTELY, no doubt about it, in love with Edward Cullen and the fascinating world that surrounds him and Ms Isabella Swan. I totally spoiled my whole reading journey by digging deep into its fansites, and i think that IN THE END, or in the third book atleast, she really IS turned into a vampire, just like her true love.
I am simply intoxicated. Oh and this happens to me often but ITS AMAZING all the same. Twilight is going to be made into a movie. And you know that mysterious Robert Patterson who played Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter? Yep. Hes playing Edward. Its a perfect match. I cant remember who's playing Isabella, or Bella as she is more commonly known, but when i saw her picture, she was ALMOST exactly how i dreamed Bella up to be. Ordinary, yet there was a hint of specialness in her.
When i say that "this happens to me often", i mean that i suddenly get interested in something, and realise the world is totally into it too. Like after i picked up my first Harry Potter book. It was relatively NOT well known back then. But whadya know, the second book was published soon after i finished reading the first, and HEY PRESTO!, theres a movie. So in other words, what i pick up/get interested to, is what becomes one of the greatest things on earth. It just seems like suddenly, when i get into something, the world follows. OR, i discover a whole new world altogether. Much of it is pretty much the same. Just that i figure out there are more out there like me, we like the same stuff.
Edward Cullen. The epitomy of perfection in everyway. Dazzling in every way. In accordance to the book, he has those deep piercing black eyes, with a hint of topaz and gold. Yet, he has perfectly angular facial features, god-like in fact. He had aubury brown hair. He was supposedly pale, with SLIGHT dark circles under his eyes. Just like the rest of the vampires. The dark circles coming from the fact that they didnt sleep. He was the fastest runner in his family. Oddly so. He could read people's minds, but not Bella's for some reason. He took it to be his responsibility to protect and take care of Bella, no matter how hard he tried to get away from her, he just had to be with her. AND, it was his full-time job to make sure Bella is always in good health. Heres why...
Isabella Swan. Better known as Bella. Shes actually pretty. Beautiful too. But she cant see it that way. She doesnt like to dance. She fell in love with Edward ALMOST instantaneously. She was impressed by everything he did, yet intrigued by the rest of his family. She did some research and finally found out that they were vampires. When she found out though, she realised that to her, IT DIDNT MATTER what they were. Edward was shocked at this. Yet when he suggested they met his family, she hesitated and became worried. No, not worried that she was going to be in a houseful of vampires that MIGHT eat her. No, she was worried that she was going to be in a houseful of vampires who may not like her for who she was and think she was ALL WRONG for Edward. Strange isn't it?
Twilight. Its the perfect love story. Yet, the name itself is saddening. Twilight, the end of another day. No matter how much you don't want it to end, it still has too. Twilight......
Awesome nonetheless, And intoxicating. The book. Exhilarating. Full of things you never want to miss. And i cant wait to get my hands on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th books. AND the DVD of the 1st book.
Sigh. Edward Cullen. Epitomy of perfection. Their love story. Perfect example of forbidden TRUE love. Compare this to Romeo and Juliet and you will easily decide which is better. DUH. Twilight.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
""About three things I was absolutely positive.
First, Edward was a vampire.
Second, there was a part of him----and I didn't
know how dominant that part might be----that thirsted for my blood.
And third, I
was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.""

Ohh man. i just finished reading this AWESOME book called Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. its like the best book ever.
Basically its about this girl (Bella) from a divorced family. Her mom found a new man and moved to big town Pheonix. Her dad was left in Forks. its a SMALL town. Well one day, she has decided to live in Forks for a while. She goes to school and is immediately mesmerised by Edward, the vampire (but she doesnt know it yet), and his family (not EXACTLY related). They were the odd ones out. But she feels a certain strong connection with Edward. She falls in love with him without knowing his true nature. But when she finally does, she realises shes not at all scared of him. Well, she meets his family and hangs out with them. Finds out more about them. Then one day, a tracker (vampire version of a murderous stalker.), finds her and thinks shes exceptionally tastey. Still madly in love, both Edward and Bella find a way to be together and are worried for each others safety. I think its a must read for people who like Romance, Complications, Sarcasm and fiction. i dunno. haha. Read it for yourself. heres the description of the book from the back cover...
When Isabella Swan moves to gloomy town of Forks and meets the mysterious, alluring Edward Cullen, her life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn. With his porcelain skin, golden eyes, mesmerizing voice and supernatural gifts, Edward is both irresistible and impenetrable. Up until now, he has managed to keep his true identity hidden, but Bella is determined to uncover his dark secret.
What Bella doesnt realise is that the closer she gets to him, the more she is putting herself and those around her at risk. And it might be too late to turn back...
Deeply seductive and irresistibly compelling, Twilight is an extraordinary love story that will stay with you long after you have turned the final page.
IT WAS PURE JOY AND ECSTASY AND EXCITEMENT to read. And after you've read it, Part2 which is NEW MOON is in stores. i havent read it but its a continuation of this lovely and compelling love story, and i SO wanna read it.
Heres a tip, i'd like Twilight and New Moon for my bday! author is Stephenie Meyer :))
Okay christmas began quite boring today. But it was great that i wasnt sick. as i usually was.
ANYWAY, we had beef steak (instead of turkey) and cheese and rice for dinner. And Christmas Drink of the Year was Grape Juice/Sparkling Juice or something like that. haha it was good.
Then my mom, luis and i went downstairs for a walk. Luis and i played at the playground,took pics... BLAHBLAHBLAH. Then i kinda went into the pool cuz it was sooo frickin hot. Then my bro kind of jumped in after me. HAHA. we were in our clothes! ack. so later, about 20mins later, we went upstairs to shower..
I was all dressed for church then i called my grandparents in the phils. And i started
BAWLING when i heard my
grandmama's voice. And how happy the atmosphere was there. I could hear fireworks, sparklers and my cousins' carolling in the background.. I was HOLDING BACK TEARS.
Well after calling, i was red faced like rudolph. so well, i had no energy to go to church, so i decided to open what little presents i had. Well.. although my presents were little, they were AWESOME ones. so it was well worth it. But all i could think about was how much fun my cousins were having. And my friends too...
Anyway, heres my presents list...
Navas Family -- 1. Sketchbook thingy. haha. notebook without lines XD
2. T-shirt with zebra in front. MOST LIKELY chosen by LESLIE.
Cortez Family -- Top. AWESOME. just my size. thanks tita cora =)
Mom & Dad -- 1. 2GB memory card for phone. 480 songs, 4800 pics and 600min of video. COOL.
2. Monopoly : Here And Now Edition. (the credit card one. cool!)
Denise -- 1 awesome pair of earrings. heavy yes, but not THAT heavy. so its totally
So yeah. it was an okay christmas. Plus some of my closest friends were online for a while, chatting to me. (e.g. my LESLIE. my GLUESTICK. my BLAHRAH & my POOPHEAD.)
now im gonna go chat somemore!! haha.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
national treasure
Okay so i went to watch National Treasure 2 ((book of secrets)) today. BEFORE we booked the tix, my dad was like
"Cheska, do you want to watch The Golden Compass?"
"Do you want to watch... National Treasure?"
So yeah. later. he booked the tix and he said, okay. hurry up and change. Golden Compass will be starting soon. And i was like, WTH.
I DONT WANT TO WATCH THAT. So we went to Marina Square... and went to the theatre. We sat in our seats. Then my dad showed me our tickets. and i was like OMG. cuz it read NATIONAL TREASURE on it. i totally freaked. ((happy freaked though))
So the movie....
AWESOME. really good. ACTION-y. lol. okay. And at one point, i said what the heck, loud enough for the person next to me to hear it. And luckily she was a teenager, cuz she heard it and laughed a little. Because, the part where i said that REALLY deserved a WTH remark. OKAY moving on to dinner.
We went to Kenny Rogers. FOR SOME STUPID REASON, my parents started discussing embarassing situations. Like e.g.,
what would happen if you farted when you are on a date/ outing with friends? WHAT SHOULD YOU DO. here are our answers...
MOM ---- You should just
keep quiet. Cause if you suddenly burst out asking WHO FARTED when noone heard or smelt anything, then like, its OBVIOUS you're the one.
DAD --- You should immediately point to someone and say,
"WHY'D YA FART?!" or something like that. basically you should make the presence of the fart known.
ME --- If you happen to feel the chair vibrate AND you're sharing a bench seat with friends, immediately say "
OOPS MY PHONE." then like, reach into your bag/pockets and take out your phone. yep. downside is, WHAT IF YOU DONT HAVE A PHONE. lol.
yep. we were talking about this at DINNER. yep we are weird..
AW MAN. this aint fair. Miguel got to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks. wannkkkk. but I got to watch an action flick. WHOOOOO!!!! haha. beat that miguel. WTF. lol.
weird much. okay. if anyone has any details on where to find episode 14 onwards of FMA, please tell me yeahhh?
Friday, December 21, 2007
I GOT A $500 SCHOLARSHIP!!OMG. ACK. I went to CCHS today for registration and stuff. and when it was my turn. My teacher asked my name and she was like, OH YOU'RE THE ONE THE PRINCIPAL WANTS TO SEE. i was sooo freaked out. TURNS OUT, i got a scholarship! yay!
Oh man. CCHS is sooo cool. im in 1EP. only filipino there. atleast im not the only Meridian. Ong Jia Qi and Jillian and Mian You were there too. YAY!!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Lets101 Quizzes - Fun Quiz
OKAY WHOEVER AGRESS WITH THAT THING TAG ME AND TELL ME SO.the rest of you keep your mouth shut. i think most of it is true.
haha. just talked to blahrah. he tried to drop the name. but, its only sunken too deep into most ppls heads. LOL. good luck with that blahrah.
chung cheng high school. sigh. i like that school. lol. chung cheng high school has a cool campus. ladeeladeeda.
its my brother's bday party tomorrow. at mcdo. sigh. i dont know what its gonna be like. boring? exciting? ack.
gonna talk to ariel-y now. WOOH!
okay. im officially. BORED.
So yeah. Im going to
Chung Cheng High School. Thats really cool actually. Wanted it. But i didnt get 3rd language. Which pretty much sucks. But maybe, i'll just learn espanol outside school so there's no pressure to take exams and score well.
Anyway, im hyper as well. And i got a sore throat. I dont know why. But i still drank Iced Tea, Coke, Milo and still ate cookies. Is that bad?
Miss talking to my blahrah. LOL. FunnAY.
I dont have much to talk about today. Nothing interesting. I guess.
Want to go out again. That was fun yesterday. Funny. Fun. Happy.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
baby its fact
I think i solved my 1st and 3rd dilemma.
All thanks to the
wonderful world of IM and 3 way conversations. I wont be able to sleep tonight.
1. because i have to make presents. 2. because of what i just found out. & yes baby, its the truth.Boy, you have no idea how i felt when i was asked that question the first time. then again. but then i saw a little bit of something in me that said SAY IT. because that little bit in me said that i would be able to ask the same thing to you and get a proper answer.
And that little bit in me was right.Hey, you probably felt the same. but i just didnt know it. no. i myself didnt know it too. till you made me feel right. to let me see whether i really did. and i guess i did.
No. probably only a few of you reading this would understand. But the one person who would really truly understand, is the one its meant for.
And no, i didnt just stay in contact because you were all that. Interesting, possibly "hawt" or cute. No. i stayed in contact with you, because i wanted to. Because it was fun to be with you. And because we had so much to talk about.
And i didnt even care what you looked like remember? I only asked for pictures once and that was when you first moved.
and YES i do. I do. ((continuation of our late discussion))((more decisive XP))But now that we both know it, well what are we to do? We COULD sit back and relax and watch this catastrophe in the making unfold. Or we could discuss it one day. Or we could just put in a little extra something.
I dont know. All i know, is that its a
fact. And i know that its almost impossible. And i know that i hope for something. What that is.. I dont know.
shit man. my dad is like sooo totally paranoid or something about my internet usage. like GOSH. i use it only for 5 minutes and hes like, YOU'VE BEEN USING IT FOR TOO LONG. TURN IT OFF! GEEZ. lay off it dad.
anyway, ARIEL is a total GENIUS. I LOVE HER. thanks thanks thanks my INSANE partner in crime. OMG. ACK.
DILEMMA. how do you say i love you without muttering the exact words.
DILEMMA. how do you tell your bestfriend you hate certain things about him/her without muttering the exact words?
DILEMMA. how do you tell a friend you never wanna lose you love him soo much that you're afraid to tell him?
NO. those questions go unanswered. they SHOULD remain unanswered. unless the person you have the dilemma about reacts to it and tells you that you should just come forward and tell the truth. YES that is the way. YES i wish that would happen to me.
outing 18/12/07
OMG. today was GREAT. and im not just saying that. i
mean it.
The elements of today's greatness
1. we went BOWLING2. ZhenJiang was with us3. i had real fun i hadnt had in a loooong time.So the day started off with me baking cookies before everyone arrived. So when all my friends from pasir ris came, we were all like chillin' in my room. That was around 12.20pm. Then at around 1pm-ish, ZJ (zhenjiang for short) and his mom arrived. I was like,
HEY!!!!!!!!!!. hyper man.
So then the guys were playing the piano. and everyone went to see them. And then i was like, playing with the playhouse disney thing my brother was watching. hahahaha. OKAY. moving on.
We then ate lunch. i wasnt really hungry. but i ate anyway. Qingyun and Amira gave me soooo much pasta. ha. so food was...
spaghetti, pizza bread, hotdogs, chicken wings and coke. Yeah so Denise wasnt talking much. haha. And amira's accent seriously changed when around ZJ. lol. okay. So we went to watch some comedy on Youtube after. Ms Swan, funny soccer stuff..... lol. laughing soo much. Then at around like, 1.20pm, we set off towards Leisure Park.
While walking, it was always
me, zj, ben and christine in front. while
qing, denise and amira were walking like drunkards waaaaay behind. haha. gawsh. ZJ dude you looked hott man. ANYWAY, so we reached the Leisure Park and immediately went bowling. Haha. was like $40++. EXPENSIVE much?? So ZJ was ALWAYS winning. and like, choking me and stuff. haha.
ack man. So in 2nd place was either me or benloke. this is for OUR lane btw. haha. okay... So it was fun. We were all like, making bets on seeing who could beat who, blahblahblah. And distracting each other. haha. fun. choke, pressure points, sigh... YOU MADE IT FUN AND FUNNY ZJ.
So after bowling, we went to Coffee Bean. errr. i got small pure chocolate with whipped cream. same as ZJ. then everyone else i think got the regular. so we all squished into one side all because of ben loke. At first it was only me, amira and ZJ on the bench side. But ben realised that christine would be sitting next to him if he continued to sit there so he squished beside ZJ. ack. I was in the middle of ZJ and Amira so it was quite a squish. hahaha. dear blahrah was obsessed with the psp. OH MAN. i see stars..
OKAY. so we decided to go to Bugis after. But qing and christine went home... ack. So we squished into a cab. with ben loke infront, at the request of the driver.
SQUISHED in the back again was, zj, me, denise and amira.
SQUISHED! So upon arrival at Bugis, me and zj were still fighting about the shortness and stuff. and smallness. whatever dude. soo, we went to the neoprint shop and like, zj was like, "
im gonna choke you!!!" So he did. outside the neoprint shop. ack. then like, INSIDE the neoprint shop, he was still "choking" me, but with a more relaxed "grip?" okay. *swooon* okay anyway, we took 1 neoprint and then we were out. shit. i forgot to cut it up. lol. okay. benloke left his wallet there so we had to go back and get it. hahahaha.
Later, we were exploring the mall, and yes, i was still fighting with zj about shortness. but benloke decided to join up with him, ACK. guys, it wasnt fair. hmph. walking walking walking to......
SOMEWHERE!!! okay we were basically just wandering around the mall. then we bumped into my mom and zj's mom. so his mom let us wander around for a while more, then they had to go. AWW.. ZJ!!! why?? WHY??
WHY?? WHY??. why did you have to go??? seriously, the time i spent with YOU, zj (yes dude if your reading this please continue) was FUN. crap. you made an ORDINARY outing with friends i know so well, FUN!! and GREAT.and AWESOME. thanks for coming along man. i had fun. Do it again sometime yeah? at marina square this time. LOL. marina square is better. more things to do. ANYWAY, love ya lots dear blahrah and HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY and hope we DO go out again sometime. Cuz, damn, i never had that much fun in a loooooooooooooooooooooong time. And its funny cuz Amira and Denise were like, changing their accents to match yours or mine, so it was fun. HAHA.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
I just came from my friends' house. ERM. we went there for Edison's bday and Advanced Christmas Party cuz they are leaving on Monday.
ahaha. okay. my gift to Edison was $30. lol. then tita elaine got him a razor. FUNNY. so yeah...
when i arrived, i ate, watched TV, caught up with ariel, eunice, erika blahblahblah. Then later went to edison's room with ariel to use the computer for the iTunes, but SOME petty guy who owns the room DIDNT let us use it cuz hes afraid his poor little playlists will get mixed up. anyway, we decided to use the internet. but the SAME idiot kept closing it. yeahhh. So we played Wii. Edison got OWNED by tito ronny. HAHA. loser. yeah. Joshua was really good at it though. And everytime Edison LOST, guess what happens to me. i get ANNOYED like hell. ack. IDIOT. retard anyway. the one thing i can agree with him on is that EUNICE can get really retarded sometimes..
OKAY anyway, soon, the ppl left and it was just
Me, Eunice, Ariel, Edison, Erika, Iris, and erm, whats-his-name. So tita cora brought out the cake and me and eunice and ariel were playing with it. Tita cora was like, "
Edison, sama ka doon. bilis na. kayong apat. BILIS!! " lol. so we wer all standing behind the cake and were smiling like idiots. then family naman. Eunice was soo retarded. then we sat down at the table and talked and joked. Ate Iris said that Tita Cora should lay off the Coke cuz she was getting drunk-ish na. HAHA.
So all in all it was really fun. Best part?? goodbyes. haha. we delayed so much that it was actually fun. and since it was Edison's bday, it was only polite and nice and friendly to wish him happy bday right? so i went to his room where he was being ANTI-SOCIAL. and i just walked to him, said "
happy birthday in advanced dude. oh and if we dont see each other for lunch tomorrow, then Merry Christmas too. " Then,
nag ka-boot (knuckle handshake? i dunno. lol.) then go down. Ariel was like, YOU DID MY DARE! and at first i was like, WHAT DARE. and then i remembered the dare we had ages ago. that i had to say happy bday to him alone and stuff. And today when i did, i wasnt even
THINKING of the dare. HAHA. it was an impulsive thing.
Anyway, yep that was my christmas party. I'd tell you more but im sooo sleepy that im too lazy to actually go into detail.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Yay! The outing thingy is
CONFIRMED. And the people going are those that i actually REALLY wanted to go! But you know, i feel that its a bit controlling of me.
Cuz like,
everyone's meeting at my house. And its MY house. Not a public place. So
im thinking its a bit like MY
bday. And because of that,
im feeling sad and nauseus.
GOSH. People who are going along, tell me if its true that i really
AM controlling the whole thing. ACK. i feel
ANYWAY, ZhenJiang can go. AND because of that, im
SO happy!! haha. Nah. im happy the thing is actually HAPPENING.
AND im happy cuz the JONAS BROTHERS are ALIVE! I really wish they'd come here though. ACK. i love them.
So what else am i gonna say? Okay what i did today was really stupid. I woke up, used the computer, saw NO ONE INTERESTING online then went back to sleep. LATER, i went back to the computer to see if anyone was online. WELL, there
WAS but i wasnt bothering to talk to them. NOT INTERESTED. So i went to watch TV. Then i went back to the computer and saw WHO?
DENISE, ZHENJIANG and BENJAMIN LOKE. how ironic. So yeah we talked. and talked. Then, zhenjiang went offline so i went offline. HA. then i ate lunch, watched a little TV and then went back to the computer. NO ONE INTERESTING ONLINE AGAIN. so i went off and went to watch TV. OKAY basically the thing is. I spent the whole day either using the computer, watching TV, or sleeping. i've been slacking the whole day.. arghs. im seriously BORED.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
My Sweet Obsession....
sweet obsession is.....
THE JONAS BROTHERS cuz they are the HOTTEST kids in the world. And usually, not many people take notice of Kevin, but i think hes HOT. And Joe, IS SO FRICKING FUNNY!! AND random. *sigh* Nick! He's sensitive, and mysterious...
ALL of them are sooo talented! AND funny. AND hilarious. AND cool. AND real, not plastic like other teen celebs.....
HOTNESS! ack. Wish they'd come to this dried-out place i live in... ARGH. i'd be the FIRST to buy tickets.
hey people. you know that SOMETIMES expensive store by the name of
Usually i wouldnt shop there. Cuz its uber-expensive. BUT today, it was having a MEGA SALE. and me and ariel were like
WHOO! We seriously bought ALOT of stuff. HAHA. I bought this tube top and stuff......SHOPPING! ack. it was soo fun. AND, like, ppl were so crazy that there were clothes on the ground, ppl snatching froeach other... Ahh... the works of a mega-sale.....
OKAY different topic.. GUESS WHAT. EDISON expects 2 presents this Saturday, FOR BDAY AND XMAS. BUT, he owes me 2 years worth of Bday and Xmas presents. How strangely unfair....
You'll only get $50. AND THATS THAT. XP
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Owing to the fact that 1.
IM BORED and 2.
I FEEL LIKE TYPING, i guess im gonna type goodbye well wishes to people.
Denise -- Gonna miss you lots. And im probably not gonna end up with you in the same school sooo GOOD LUCK! and dont get a stead in the first 2 years no matter what without thinking REAL hard about it.
Qingyun -- Okay so i havent really known you THAT long but that short time i knew you was time well spent. It was soo fun when i was with you. Mainly cuz of the fact that you burst out laughing for no reason.
Amira -- I knew you LESS then Qingyun. So to me, you kinda just appeared out of thin air. Altho you're moody and stuff, it was still nice to be friends right?
You take the good, you take the bad, and there you have?? FRIENDS!Benjamin Loke -- Yeah im using your full name. Yeah we had our ups and downs. And yes i did want to get off your rollercoaster MANY times this year. Mainly cuz ever since SOME people entered your life, you became..... (put it this way) DIFFERENT. but hey, i still kept going. And well, now we're okay right??
Hilman -- DUDE, you became such a good friend this year. Thanks for all your advice and stuff. Hey, Jupiter won too! So im glad you still stuck by me, through good times and bad,
for 6 frickin years. Thanks for everything. Seriously. And yes,
I miss you too.
Darren Siah -- Hm, we've been friends since P3 havent we? Time well spent. Not wasted. Though until now, i still dont understand you and your steads. Slow down will you? Take your time to find that girl you want. And remember to keep in touch. Hey, you still know SOME of my secrets. I promise never to tell yours.
Daryln Too -- My fellow Disney Fanatic. Thanks for talking to me last year and this year. Ha. Some fun times we had. you always made me laugh. Good luck for everything okay?? Oh and dont forget, i have a whole box of
strawberry's for you!
Teo Sing Yong -- A good friend who offered advice. WOW. we had lots of fun this year. And we ALMOST got into trouble a few times with Mdm Lee right? And we always bent the rules. Thanks for everything. And remember NEVER to let anything get you down. "Nobody's perfect. You gotta work it. again and
again till you get it right. Nobody's perfect..."
Christine -- Hey, girrrrrl!! haha. Thanks for being a good friend since forever. Dont ever let anything get you down. Stay strong and dont let and bitches or bastards make you cry. Just take it in, try and turn it into a positive thing okay? And im always here for you.
Netballers (seniors) 2007 -- My team. My friends. My sisters! I love you guys to death! Remember our Camp? That was fun... I really miss all of you and its really sad that we may never get to play as our team again. We made it really far this year! When im at training with you, i never seem to get tired. You guys are my STRENGTH! But come back for training and we can SCARE the little ones!! haha. You guys make me NUTS. Keep in touch always!
Most kids of 6H -- Guys and girls, thanks for everything! You guys are really fun to be with. Even more fun then SOME of the 6A people. (no offence). You guys have taught me that we each have our own good points and bad. Kamal, thanks for dancing with me. And our fun thing at P5 camp. Yu Lim!!!!! i got nothing to say about you dude. THANKS ALOT TO 6H! YOU ROCK.
Yup people. Those were my final words to those people. Goodbyes, well wishes, sigh... Good times... ACK.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
okay first of all, i REALLY dont see the point of blogging now that HARDLY anyone comes to see my blog. But i'll do it for the sake of those who find my life interesting.So about our 6A BFFs reunion, people going are
Denise, Amira, Qingyun, ME, Ben Loke and ZhenJiang. or atleast, those are those that were invited.
ANYWAY, the original plan was to go watch a movie
BUT (there's
always a
but in these things...) my mom wont let me watch a movie with GUYS. so i suggested they all come over for lunch at my house, then we can walk to the bowling alley. OR go to Marina Square. Bowling IS fun though. SO, i think its an over all nice thing to do.
BUT (another one...), Ben Loke seems to have a problem with me bringing/inviting Zhen Jiang. Apparently, to Ben, Zhen Jiang isnt A-class. To me, im like,
Zhen Jiang is my bestfriend too so im bringing him. i dont care. And then i told Ben that if he had a problem with me bringing Zhen Jiang, he should bring a girl along.
OF COURSE he'd bring
BUT if he invited Sabina, i would SOO not allow that ""WOMAN"" into my home. if she even stepped into the compund, i'd run away screaming. that... ((censored))
Okay..... And if she did step in and she took pics and my friends saw, i'd be
EMBARASSED for life. GOSH. They'd think i had given in to the whole
Singaporean thing. Cuz you ppl know how Sabina takes pics. So then i'd lose my dignity.
So i think the whole thing would go well. I think the only reason why Ben dont want me to bring Zhen Jiang cuz he's jealous of him. HA. well he should be! Zhen Jiang was always better. NOT THAT
I LIKE HIM. But i always thought he was better in a sense.
Zhen Jiang you ROCK. haha.
So then, yeahhh... I think it would still be fun! HAHA.
So my last words will be......
Zhen Jiang im gonna call you soon no matter what you say. And then im gonna make you get a SIM card tomorrow. AND, im gonna make sure that whatever Ben says, you can come along. Besides, i really wanna see you again. Gosh it would be so weird talking to you. OKAY ANYWY...i'll try and see if there are loopholes in our reunion. And then i'll make sure Sabina (if she comes) is not allowed into my house. Then, im gonna go shopping again cuz i need to buy bday presents, christmas presents and i have to look for a nice LEAF for my dear ARIEL....
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Weeping willow with your tears running down
Why do you always weep and frown?
Is it because he left you one day?
Is it because he could not stay?
On your branches, he would swing,
Do you long for the happiness that day would bring?
He found shelter in your shade,
You thought his laughter would never
fade.Weeping willow, stop your tears.
For there is something to calm your fears;
If you think death has
ripped you forever apart I know he'll always be in your heart.
This one's from My Girl (movie), I dedicate this to Denise and her grandfather. Such a wonderful, BEAUTIFUL poem.....

A random thing the picture is isnt it? but oh-so-true! Anyway, im so bored right now. ZJ is in singapore, i think he tried to call me. i just never picked up... Ack. Well he's staying at his cousin's house..
The sun'll come out tomorrow
Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow
They'll be sun
Just thinking about tomorrow
Clears away the cobwebs and the sorow
'til there none
When i'm stuck with a day
That's gray and lonely
I just think of my chin and grin
and say oh
The sun'll come out tomorrow
So you gotta hang on 'til tomorrow comes
Tomorrow tomorrow
I love you tomorrow
You're always a day away
When i'm stuck with a day
That's gray and lonely
I just think of my chin and grin
and say oh
The sun'll come out tomorrow
So you gotta hang on 'til tomorrow comes
Tomorrow tomorrow
I love you tomorrow
You're always a day away...
Friday, December 7, 2007
like, OMG, i havent posted since FOREVER!!! ack. its BECAUSE, my house had no internet for our first week in the
new house. blah...
ANYWAY, now i've got connection again. AND i got a new cybershot770i for my PSLE results! haha. its such a nice phone!
i love it. LOL. So about my life so far....
Nothing much. Just that my parents are freaking out about my so-called messy room. and now my bro is poking my arm. OW. now he's playing the piano. OOH. ha. So i went to the guy's house on a certain day. He looked so nice.. And we talked sometime. Ha. i annoyed him. Kept changing the music. Me and my bestfriend. Im talking in short sentences. how weird. ha. ha. ha.
I cant help but liking the dude. i dont know why. but hey, we're impossible! until we're in our twenties where nothing matters but how much you like that person. And by then. we'd probably meet other people. Ha.
Oh well, i wish i got into Dunman High though. Would be so cool. Plus loads of my tuiton friends got in! So it'd be cool to see them. Oh well. Hope the dude talks to me more.
hope the dude talks to me more.