Monday, March 31, 2008
Warning: Long Post.
Today has been such a hectic day. It was AS USUAL, school in the AM, assembly and stuff in the PM and tuition in the Evening. and yep, i didnt get a single homecooked meal at all today. NOT ONE. how sad.
Anyway, the day, started off really emo-ishly. no i dont usually use the word EMO to describe things, but i cant seem to find any other word to use. thus, the use of EMO.i've been relatively
reclusive and anti-social lately.
please forgive me.
After the normal school hours, it finally hit me at how far behind i am on homework. I began to panic of course. I made up my mind to do all i can.
Finally, in the evening, i had my tuition. It made me cheerful again, and i laughed, really laughed, for the first time this week. It felt good. I enjoyed it thoroughly. After tuition was when my nightmare began...
So i met up with my dad at Cold Storage. I simply got a few dollars to go buy food. I bought food, and waited, but only for a while. it was already past 9pm i think. thus i began my dinner, and ended my dinner,
by. my. self.
It was painful.after though, my dad began lecturing me on how i've been so spoilt. and everything else. How i should be taking care of mum. How i could be so selfish as to only care about homework. (which is so not true. because not doing homework = detention(most cases) = not being able to go home to help out. so seriously, caring about homework is equvalent to caring about everything else.
Now, the 20minute lecture in which you could not walk away, because you're in a car, began.The lecture simply consists of these things
1. How "badly" i've been acting.
2. How i could have been and SHOULD be useful at home.
3. How serious my mom's condition is (im not a little kid so you dont have to tell me.)
That's the main overview, but of course, things get added here and there.
It ended, with me literally hyperventilating, and seriously could not breathe. And yes, tears were running down my cheeks,
I know, my dad's main goal wasnt really to make me feel bad. But i seriously had to cry because i was so stressed out already
(netball, school work, at home stuff, exams, piano..) that it was hard to maintain. You may say im now emotionally unstable, which i think is an okay way to say it. I dont mind.
My dad said i could have approached him. I told him, how could i, if he mostly just made me feel worse? i knew i couldnt open up to him. Nor to any of my friends, for they have never been in a similar situation, and the best they could do is just to say,
DONT CRY, which totally doesnt help MUCH, but it most definitely is better than nothing.
I now resolve to be a better
person, to learn to control my emotions, to learn to manage my time better, to
trust more people, to know who to go to when in need. Yes, these are my
resolutions and i intend to follow them.
Now for some really important thanks.Thanks to HUIXIAN, for guessing my code.Thanks to MY TUITION BUDDIES for cheering me up, even if i felt sad after.Thanks to MY PHONE for letting me contact my friends.Thanks to ALPHONSO for encouraging me, and letting me dump everything onto so sorry.but thanks loads LOADS for listening.truee friend:)Thanks to MY GROUPMATES(in all projects) for lightening the load, because we're all in this together.You know i love you all so much.i'm waiting for Prince Charming to finally realise. thats my goal. i hope that he will be the type of guy who would help me through my tough situations. he's already near to my heart, yet i still wonder if he knows that we should be more than just friends. maybe. just maybe.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
OMG.Good guess HuiXian,TOTALLY you know. i trust you so dont give out the information. please okay. i may be young but i certainly aint stupid.
this is just a reminder for myself. and a note to everyone at how BUSY i actually am.
Things I Need To Do Today..1. Write out the Literature thing.2. Compare SE Asia, China and India government.3. Write that out.4. Do my overdue piano theory.5. Complete all other homework.6. Do my HomeEcon project.Things I Should Have Done Eons Ago...1. Do my tuition homework (and hand it up)2. Update my iPod.3. Update my FanFic. (long overdue)4. Upload pictures to computer.Sigh. im such a slacker. but oh well. im not motivated.
I miss Prince Charming. Its only been a short while. But i miss him
already. Am i insanely OBSESSED. oh god no. please no. im just slightly
obsessed. should i tell him? maybe. i want to though. but
only if im sure it
wont wreck our friendship. What if it does? well, then
i'd go depressed.
Im thoroughly irritated at Flo now. why? cuz she totally bailed on me and Vanessa. WE have to hand in the Home Econ thing next week and where does she
off with her NPCC friends. i guess she thinks NP is more important than
If i dont do well in this Home Econ thing, im never gonna speak to
her again.
And ive given the silent treatment to someone before, and i can
do it again.
IT has 8 letters. Clue: its a noun i think. idk.
Friday, March 28, 2008
I just got back from sports day. well no not really.
I JUST GOT BACK FROM J8. anyway heres the MAIN story....
At 8am, we were at Bishan Stadium with DHS, TSS, NgeeAnnSS and CCHMS. we had all the track and field events, etc...
the sun was
BURNING.i swear my ARM alone is now 3 different shades of brown. and my face is sunburnt. ah. sad. im never gonna turn light again. Unless i exile myself to atleast a month INDOORS.anyway, after all the things were done, all four schools (the students i mean) went to J8!! mostly anyway. all in all, the whole line stretched out for about 2km. cool right? Chris walked beside the drain thingy, and his friend almost fell in. ahaha. funny. anyway, at J8, Tomomi and Florence WENT AWAY. me and Vanessa were like,
how the hell are we gonna do our home econ project?! gosh.
so we went to DeliFrance to eat.with Mabel and Elysia.
and we saw, some seniors (
Brenda, Singyan, Alphonso, YangJun...) walking
IN AND OUT of J8. so the FIFTH time they walked in, i jumped on them. haha. and they said, they couldnt find a place to eat, hence the absurd scene of walking here and there. I WAS LAUGHING MY HEAD OFF!!
okay yeah. thats it. then Vanessa and I walked around the whole mall. Twice. then we went to Long John Silvers cuz Eunice said we could disturb her. but we just said hi. then walked
away.Then, i went homeee. home sweet home. where i had to have piano lesson. gah.
and i got scolded.sChmucK.So thats my cinderella story today.
I saw Prince Charming somewhere. He only smiled. Then it was bye bye Miss American Pie. I like him so much. But no, it was never meant to be. IT has 8 letters. yup thats my personal code. i dont think you can guess it.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Gah. not official councillor yet.
there are still TWO more interviews. One by Mr Chua DM and our VP. ahhhhh. dieee.
and not fair. why does EVERYONE ELSE know their sections when I
dont.NOT FAIR.grrness.
oh well. Can only hope for either 3 or 5 or 2. not in that order though. lol. yeah whatever. RACHEL YEO FIGHT FOR ME. cuz Shirlyn's fighting too =)
i think.
Oh and omg, im so happy! i saw like, 5 people carrying the Twilight series around school today! yay!! That means, more people LOVE twilight! hahahahahahaha. obviously. everyone loves it.
kay thats all for now. CIAOOO
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
im hoping that makes only one line. but oh well.
gah. that agricultural trip wasnt THAT interesting. too little time to explore.
ahhh 3rd round of interview for SC. oh no oh no oh no. and its by DM and some other important people. (important, but i forgot who. WOW)
I have no idea how my group is gonna do the Home Econ thingy. NO IDEA. grrrrr-ness.
yeah im like, gonna go now cuz theres nothing left to say i guess.
oh and KK gets bullied alot by sec1s already. hehe. NOT MY FAULT (entirely).
Monday, March 17, 2008
Let the boy
Take your hand.
Feel your body
Sway with the music.
Watch your friends
Smile and laugh.
Soak up all the joy
as you turn to face your man.
As you twirl around,
hand in hand.
Treasure your minute
In his arms.
Etch the memory
In your mind.
Build up your courage.
Then as you part and say goodbye
Remember that one
Then will you dare say the three words.
I love you.

Some random pics i thought i'd post. haha. i dunno. PICTURES. wheeeeeeeeee. enjoy =)
Sunday, March 16, 2008
CCL camp 2008
Yay ness!! i got back from camp yesterday afternoon, but only found time to post today. so yeah. hahhaha.
okay so about the camp.....
Day 1Went to school early because i had Maths supplementary and Chinese too. So i received homework. what a bummer.
anyway, camp started at 2.30pm and we met up in the LT2. apparently, all the sec1's came. which was awesome. so yeah, we headed to our bunks then. Girls were on 4th floor while guys in 3rd floor
OLD BLOCK. yes that block. how freaky.
The next activity was the
GROSS FACTOR which is a sweeet party of the camp. it was DISGUSTING yes, and our clothes were freakin dirty and stinky. But luckily it rained so that most of it was kind of washed away. The last station was the worst. It was in the dark. Not really scary. But, we touched, SQUISHED a pig's raw heart. EWWW. and well, it was COLD. we were WET. We showered after the Gross Factor, what a relief. That night, we had TALENT TIME. Our group, which was with SHIRLYN, HUIXIAN, HENGKANG and ME, did this singing-dancing thing. Me and Shirlyn choreographed the dance, and HengKang sang this song. lol. it was okay.
Roy sang tralala , it was incredibly funny. haha. seniors were gaying on stage. EW. ha. yeah. so as not to distract you, i will place the videos at the end of this post.
Day 2
slept kinda okay. erm. yeah. Day 2 we had AMAZING RACE in the morning. our group was pretty fast. it was okay. OH YEAH. WE WERE CALLED THE SHOELACES. another randomness moment by ME!!. okay okay anyway. after the race, we played this game called "do you like your neighbour?" it was pretty fun. But we liked AMOEBA more. i dunno why. but it was more fun. we played it twice i think. Then we had a Japanese lunch, courtesy of the Japanese stall. it was okay.
*gasp* i forgot what we did after lunch. wait let me think....
Oh right. we had a TELEMATCH. thanks Alphonso. gah. im old. keep forgetting stuff. anyway, telematch was fun. though my shirt got muddy. ah. so anyway, i cant really describe telematch, but okay. after that, we had dinner - INDOOR COOKING. it was fun. we cooked noodles, and sausages, and ate beans. lol.
I went home for about an hour to get the house blessed. i brought back a rosary with me to school. for the night.
So when i got back to school, i went to LT1, where everyone was. They were watching a scary movie. I kinda slept through it cuz 1. I didnt want to get nightmares and 2. I was tired. haha. Kaline was hugging me and squeezing me. but yeah. after that, we were setting of group by group to do nightwalk. i was in last group. since we were last, a few seniors came with us. So total we were 11 ppl. Out of 4 original. lol. So we walk and walk. and then, the sec3 had no energy to scare us already. cuz we were last. so it was actually quite fun.
The last station, was the choir rooms. People would pop out and scare you. I wasnt scared actually. Cuz i could see them coming at me. Anyway, yeah. My reaction was lagging, by ALOT.
Day 3
After that, it was already like 5.30 am i think. So we went to sleep. woke up at 8am. or 8.30 i think. yeahhh. packed up, had Cereal breakfast, played a game (memory game) and then packed up again, arranged the tables. then we had the last few games and stuff at the Concourse. We dance the FRIENDSHIP DANCE. (as we step to the left, as we step to the right, as we step, as we step, as we step all night. with a heel and a toe and a half turn around. with a heel and a toe and a new friend found...) it was pretty awesome. then all the levels took turns doing weird things in the middle. Sec3's did tralala again. NO, ROY and SHAOJIE i think did tralala.
After that, we said goodbyes, and went home.
to the seniors and all SC people, THANKS FOR THE CAMP. I had supreme loads of fun. thanks alot alot alot. a great stress reliever. and thanks seniors for looking out for us, and an-wei-ing us when we were scared. EXCEPT shuling who just continued to scare me. hmph. but im happy i made new friends. and got closer to older ones. and btw, RACHEL YEO did you know i was the one you toured around during open house? hehe. yeah yea. THANKS AGAIN.
oh and as a footnote, im not gonna upload Pics and Videos now. computer is sooo lag. oohh im using the word LAG alot. haha. okay yeah. goodnight people. ima catch up on some homework. tralala tralala tralalalala.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
OHhhh man i havent posted ANYTHING for the past 2 weeks? and i havent updated my fanfiction in the last month! ahhh.
okay well nothing going on much. still missing the guy more than anything. may let you guys hear the songs i wrote when they're ready. but for now, NO SINGING FROM ME.
i have tuition later. what a bummer. its a leap year. and yesterday was the leap DAY. but it was a horrible day. i had to do an interview for the counsellor thingy. hope i did okay!! and well, noone's visitng my blog anymore, as far as i can tell. that is so sad.
and like, if you are a fanfictioner and you are reading this, and your wondering what happened to my story on fanfic... well, im typing them out okay? and tweaking them here and there.
im taking a break from studying cause....
next week....
i have tests!
Tuesday = ACC test.
Wednesday = *deep breath* MATHS, CHEMISTRY, LITERATURE and CL tests
Thursday = PHYSICS test
Friday = HISTORY test
and yeah, netball rocks! haha. i love training. i dunno. its painful yeah, but its fun. and i really wanna join the
swingapore hip-hop classes. Alyson Stoner is my idol, yeahhhwooots/
im going crazy.
my cousins are coming down here in two weeks?? awesome right? yep it is.
i wanna travel again. its nice to see different things. ooooohhhhh/
okay well, our dearest Geography teacher has left us. she'll be remembered. we camwhored with her on friday.
oh and TWILIGHT MOVIE!!! its sooo exciting to hear aobut it everyday!!
and someone, ANYONE wanna watch Step Up2 with me?? say yes yes yes!!
xoxo, Cheska