Saturday, May 31, 2008
picture perfect

For Sangeetha. By ME. Brushes by CHENGCHENG(:

At my bro's bday last year. ARIEL&ME creation.

done by ME. listening to a random playlist of songs. (:

okay the rest will be random ah-lian pose imitation. courtesy of Joy's imagination.

FOUR, meimei not looking :(

FOUR, meimei IS looking (:


My friends will always catch me :D

Because we love each other very much.







ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE.... SEVEN?!that's it for now. going to sleep! yayayayay.
beaches love reds
this shall be a purely wordy post.
next post shall be
went to Jumbo for lunch.
met the two kids named
impromptu swimming with everyone else BECAUSE...
Bea pushed me in.boohoohoo.ANYWAY,we had fun, and we
camwhored. with my mom as the
Joy, being the
pronounciation queen, taught us how to say
2 boyfriends were missing. awww. poor Angelo. The only guy.
there'll probably be more info on
Bea, Marie, Joy, Meimei or Grace's blogs. haha. cuz im not good at recounting stuff.
it's copyrighted
omg today so pig man.
pancake pancake pancakeLUNCH -
jumbo restaurant wheee~
DINNER - some kind of
bbq party later hahahaha.
and im only blogging now because
my tuition teacher hasnt arrived. hahaha.
Orchard Rose.oh my gosh those girls are so cute. and their names are awesome. i got pictureee.
okay better go lalalalalala.
Friday, May 30, 2008
for the life we live
Today, was relatively boring. I went around 2 rounds of West Coast Park, on blades.
SUPER HOT OMG-but oh well.
Came home,
went online.stayed online.STILL ONLINE.rah and its so boring.
there's nothing to do. this day is so boring.
One full day staring at the computer won't kill me right?NO it wont.
RIGHT, better get started on homework
soon.pfft, yeah right.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
i told my dad,
i'll use
my OWN savings,my OWN money,my OWN allowance to buy my OWN lapttop.(when i get the money that is.)and usually parents would be proud to hear this right? huh.
MY dad. jeez
such a downer.i feel GREAT having saved $210++ dollars in 5 months.
and when i told him i'll do what's mentioned above...
he starts ranting about how your money is for education blahblahblah.well,
when i tell him i'm planning to
take a year off from studying after JC or whatever,
BEFORE going to
college.oh my gosh is he soooooo going to flip.oh what would i do in that year?
Rest. Relax.
Travel. Visit my
long lost friends all around the world.
i'd be old enough then!
but sheesh. no
my dad doesnt react like any other parent...
List of movies i want to watch.
1. What Happens in Vegas
2. Over Her Dead Body
3. Drillbit Taylor
4. Prom Night
5. Prince Caspian
6. Made Of Honour
7. Indiana Jones
8. Speed Racer
9. Get Smart
10. It's A BoyGirl Thing
i must watch these movies. and TONIGHT.
i shall watch Juno again. yay.
P.S. I Love You
hey thanks
JIAYAN, XIAOHUI, HE WEI, ALPHONSO, KALINE who cheered me up yesterday.
i have this theory that i was super troubled and emo-ish because at the start of the day,
someone dumped all their worries and troubles on my lap.
And i was forced to think about it, just when i woke up. I guess that kinda bothered me.
AND one thing else that cheered me up is the amount of people who clicked on
my old link. which now leads to an R-rated site. HAHAHA. that was funny.
as the sun goes down,and the light begins to do the troubles of the day (:I HAVE RECOVERED~oh yeah, im happy. woohooo.
there's not much to do today,
except homework and piano but whatever. that's later.
i think i'll only go online
TONIGHT.i'll try and lay off the computer hmhmhmhmhm.
would probably do my eyes some good.
P.S. I LOVE YOUit's such a great book. should read it yes yes yes.
and OMG i cried reading it.that's how i judge a good book from a... bad book?
when you feel that emotion super strongly, then hey, the writer did their job.
AWESOME-TASTIC.DELVIS. yes must go rollerblading la. and then from one end of ECP to the other. woots~ then we can stop at Splash! to eat eat eat. lol. but must bring
alvin&ahem. and
YOUR ahem. and whatever people. yay
RIGHT. i should stop
crapping. get back to
WORKING. and then, come back online
tonight.P.S. I LOVE YOU.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
wasting my life
YES i am wasting my life.all i do,
is sit in front of the
damned computer
and watch people sign in and out.
WHY am i so pathetic to do this huh.I miss you.that's all i have to say.i think i need a better life.more things to do.i need to occupy my brain with something something worth living for.ew i'm turning emo.
i dont like it.
YUCK.but what else is there to do...
i realised, that i'm not much of a people person.
i am a people person, just not with some people.SURE, i'd go out with a bunch of people, once in a while.
but, sometimes,
i feel like i shouldnt be there, not with these people.I feel like they arent my friends, that, i'm not one of them.staring blankly at the screenwill do me no good.dreaming of what can't bewill do me no good.thinking of what we can never bewill do me no good.waiting for someone, who never gave a thought,will do me no life is
THIS close to tearing apart.
this holiday is going to kill me.
yeah so what if i like him. jeez. he won't like me back. it's this thing called impossible. if he ever liked me, that would be a miracle. but there's no one else. there's no one else but him. so technically, i wouldnt be wasting SO MUCH time waiting. no not really. but it kills me you see. not knowing what im chasing so worried about so many things.what, is he ignoring me? how the heck am i going to do all this this okay? am i breaking a rule?did my dad say i could?where is he now?what's wrong?i need my little sunshine to come back into my life, carrying this hecka lot of chocolate and icecream with him. and we'll sit on the beach, talking till the moon comes up.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
so i woke up with a fever.
and a
sore throat.drank like, 2 pills from the last sickness.
got better.
i had to go for tennis.
it's okay.
because i had fun.
it feels super SUPER crappy to be sick.
I slept for 4 hours today.
And i was out the whole day yesterday, till 1.20 am ;D
i kinda lost out on holiday homework doing.
that sucks alot.
so i'll have to do all that homework,
oh gosh i miss you.
nothing interesting today,
so i'll just end here.
PS. this post is super uncolorful because the keyboard is being spastic and wont let me highlight stuff, and click the color thingy.EW.
I'm still stuck at Ariel's.
I have this sore throat thingy. still still still still still still still stuck.
and the sore throat thingy is seriously irritating me.
haha just had webcam chat with He Wei and Kaline. just to show how spastic Ariel (and I) can get. But the Kaline one was still stuck.
Monday, May 26, 2008
WOOHOOO~im now officially CRASHED at Ariel's house.hahahha.she's packing for her trip to the Philippines tomorrow.and im sitting across the room, using her Sony Vaio (:its so's like a sleepover.A LONG-NEEDED sleepover.hahahahaha.okay ciao.
I want that 7-inch heels with the Banana Republic mini-skirt with the Chanel top and the designer Gucci handbag. With a KLS bracelet on my wrist. With the Dior shades. With the loyal followers behind me. haha YEAH RIGHT.
I got my hair cut today. It doesn't look like crap. nah.
It looks okay actually.
I'm obsessed with
Pride & Prejudice AGAIN.
isn't that great?
Classics are really my thing aint it.
Ironman is a classic. Cause it's been around for ages.
My dad's music are classics.
Jane Austen novels are classic.
im turning into a weird,
stuck-in-the-past person.
because the past was so much simpler,
it's so easy to get caught up in its world.
i'll push you off your fence myself. i just wanted an answer. SIMPLE.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Today was a joy.
Today was a laugh.
Today was a joy-filled laughter-full day (:
Because dearest
Vicky, Talya, Gerry, Charlotte and Vanessa made it fun.
oh and not to forget
Teacher David.haha it was funny.
we were discussing how David A. was like, so
gay in all his answers.
"no you're better. heeeeeheeee."AND,we were discussing how
HOT Robert Downey Jr, Jack Black and Ben Stiller were when they were dancing.
AND HOW FUNNY THEY WERE.AND,we were talking about how
awesome Jason Castro was when he sang
HALLELUJAH. ohhh gosh.
THEN,teacher David came. and he was asking,
who's this archie? Archie Lennon is it? and we gave him this... "
who-the-heck-is-that" look. HAHAHA.
so we said...
AR-CHU-LE-TAAAAAAAAAA.Teacher David: what
*lots and lots of laughter*HAHAHAHA.
and then later...
after we explained American Idol and
AR-CHU-LE-TAAAAAA.he said...
so what is that person? a guy or a girl??omggggg so funny.
OBVIOUSLY its a guy.
And all this crap happened after our
because of the
Confirmation thing.
And because its
Corpus Christi.
woweeeeeee the
Archbishop of Singapore came to mass (:
He led the sermon and everything.
so coool.
okay better get
UN-hyper now.
well i heard there was a secret chordthat David playedit pleased the lord.but you don't really care for musicdo ya?well it goes like this.the 4th the 5ththe minor fallthe major liftthe baffled king composingHALLELUJAHbaby i've been here before.i've seen this room,i've walked this floor.and you know i used to live alonebeforeHALLELUJAHand i've seen your flagon the marble archlove is not a victory marchit's a coldit's a brokenHALLELUJAH
They'll stick to you through the ups.They'll scream with you. They'll smile and laugh with all the happiness in the world.But when the rollercoaster plunges down at full speed.With no way to stop it.They'll pull out their parachutes and take the jump.The only difference?
True ones will grab your hand and take you with them.---------------------------------------------------------
But if you don't dream bigWhat's the use in dreaming?If you don't have faith,there's nothing worth believing.It takes one look To make the stars worth reaching for.So reach out, for something more.
my iPod aint working
it wont sync with my wont charge when plugged into the just wont connect!rahrahrahrahrahrah.
i did get the sound system though.which has... - DVD player - iPod dock - FM radio - CD player - Bluetooth (?) - USB port - a screen.omgosh.
which means...
I can get a new one (:
i want an
iPod Touchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
with all its awesome touchy-ness.
touch touch touch touch touch.------------------------------------------------------
and you know...
my mom lectured me today.
i dont know WHY she suddenly thought of the topic, but here goes.
mom in in
cheska you should watch out for yourself in school okay.dont get too involved in bad stuff, must be a good girl. and especially dont get too involved with boys.uh okay.I dont like what that girl is doing. the one that keeps going to find the boy in his class. thats bad huh okay?yes okay i know..i dont want you to be like that. because, its a bit wrong for the girl, especially younger, to go look for the guy, its like, YOU going to your crush's house just to see him. it's a little backwards right?yeah i guess.You should let the boy come after YOU. besides, guys prefer it when they go after the girl, and the girls like it better when guys come after them.*what the heck look* righttttttt......Is there anyone chasing you yet?no.Do you like anyone yet?no.Good. cause i know you. You're very determined and you'd like to know if the guy likes you back or not. *what the heck look/ i-get-it-mom look again*mom leaves.WHAT THE HECK LA SERIOUSLY.its not a lecture i know. but whats with all the sudden guy advice?!
*gasp*she must have read my inbox....
oh no....
my inbox was full of your smses at the so so so so so so sorry.
SERIOUSLY.i know what im doing.
i think.But no, i wouldn't be so crazy to go to his class to look for him.
YES, i'd rather be the one being chased, not the one chasing after. ha and i just lied to my mom about me liking someone. boy, think think think hard please. read between the lines (:
Saturday, May 24, 2008
HOLY CRAP MY DAD BOUGHT AN iPHONE!and i may get to use it!! ahhhhhh. only if my dad doesnt find it suitable for his liking, which usually happens with every phone he buys. LOL.
so cool.
AND, he bought me
a new sound system.
OH MY GOSH.*hyperventilates**faints**slaps self**jumps around*OMGOMYGOSHOMYGODits so so so so so so cool!!
My.Mom.Is.NAGGY.what the hell. seriously.
I DID WHAT SHE TOLD ME TO DO.and she still rants
on and
on and
on.COME ON.i already did what
you were too lazy to do!PUH-lease.
I did OKAY/
I got
6/38 in class.
I got
99/445 in the level.
and all she cares about is the fact that i
failed Art. D7. by o.5 frickin marks. HALF A MARK. it isnt fcuking effing significant!
IMPORTANT.She's been ranting on and on about how i failed Art,
Here's the reality of it.
Look at the other subjects for God's sake.Look at my class and level position for Christ's sake.I DID WELL.this is what happens when you have parents who1. don't understand the
Singapore education system.2. don't understand the
way we are graded.
3. don't understand what is
being taught in school.4. don't understand
how hard you work.
5. don't understand the
Friday, May 23, 2008
i'm super worried.please.
ignoring me.
i want us to go
back in time.
back before all this
crap.let's erase
the past two weeks,and go back to the way we
used to be.
it may not be right,but i need more ways than one.i need you dear sunshine. please come back...
I changed
my blogskin.I changed
my url.
(cause my mom found it out.)I changed
my plans this weekend.I changed
my mind about you. (not bad per se)I cant believe this. I mean,
MOM seriously, can't you just give me my OWN space?! Guess what guys. I left the room for 10 minutes. And i came back, with her s
crolling through my inbox. GOSH.
AND, she's found my OLD blog.
some secrets need to be kept, some stories should never be told.
some words weren't meant to be understood, they might just turn your blood cold.
It's finally the end of the term.
End of the semester.
But, i don't feel happy. Why?
I don't know.
Sometimes, feeling
lost is the best thing in the world.
Sometimes, feeling
bored helps you think clearer.
Sometimes, feeling
sad just might make you happier.
Sometimes, feeling
confused will give you more insight.
give me a chance,
and i'll give you my
give me some hope,
and i'll play it smart.
take it a day at a time.
there's nothing to lose,
nothing to gain.
and when we're finally
we'll try it again.
this is my heart.
this is my hope.
all i want is an answer.
all i want is a note.
then finally..
the clouds will clear.
and i could be happy.
with you my dear (:
OKAY. that was totally random. i'm in an
oh-so-songwriter mood these few weeks.
Inspiration has hit me.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
You are supposed to get 30 and below to be considered GOOD.
Anything above 30 you are BAD.
Let’s go!
[ ] smoked
[x] drink alcohol (vodka. just a sip.)
[ ] slept with sumone de opposite sex
[ ] slept with sumone de same sex
[x] gotten into any fights (kinda. i broke it up. yay me!)
[x] kissed sumone of de opposite sex (beso-beso XD)
[x] kissed sumone of de same sex (beso-beso XD)
[x] had sumone in your room of de opposite sex (duh. parties?)
[x] scold vulgarities (not such a wide range.)
[ ] taken drugs (ew no)
[ ] hate going to de doctors (nah it's not bad)[x] lied to your parents (yes... sadly.)[x] lied to a friend[x] sneak out of the house (oopsie..)[ ] done something illegal[ ] cut yourself[x] hurt sumone (physically and mentally...)[x] wished sumone to die (was freakin pissed)[ ] seen sumone die TOTAL: 5[x] missed curfew (just did recently again..)
[x] stayed out all night (my parents let me omg.)
[ ] ate a whole carton of ice-cream (nah ate only half.)
[ ] been to a therapist
[ ] been to a rehab
[ ] dyed your hair
[ ] received a ticket
[ ] been in a wreck
[ ] been to a club
[ ] been to a bar
[ ] Been to a wild party
[ ] seen de Madi Gras
[x] had a fight
[x] had a spring break in Florida (spring-summer time)
[ ] sniffed anything
[x] wore black nail polish
[ ] wore wrist bands
[x] wore t-shirts with band names
[x] wore black eye-liner
[ ] own a 50 cent CD
[x] hugged sumone of de opposite sex (my friends?)
[x] hugged sumone of de same sex
[x] gone out with sumone of de opposite sex
[x] gone out with sumone de same sex
[ ] stole sumthing
[ ] been too drunk to rmb anything
[ ] blacked out
[ ] fainted
[ ] had a crush on your neighbour
[ ] has sumone else snuck into ur room
[x] snuck into sumone’s room (yeah. haha.)
[ ] had a crush on sumone de same sex
[x]had gone and watched movies with friends
[ ] dry humped sumone
[x] been called a slut (ew right)
[ ] called sumone a slut
[ ] installed speakers in ur car
[ ] broke a mirror
[x] showered at sumone of de opposite sex’s house (duh?)
[ ] brushed teeth with sumone else’s toothbrush
[ ] consider Mac, Dr Dre, e40 or Mistah Fab your fav. rapper
[ ] cheated ur bf/gf (no relationship, no cheating)
[ ] cheated with sumoner
[x] got in trouble with de police (hehe yeah my uncle.)
[x] talked to a stranger (directions..)
[ ] hugged a stranger
[ ] kissed a stranger
[ ] been sexually harassed
[x] rode in de car with a stranger (TAXI!!!!)
[x] been verbally harassed
[ ] met face to face with sumone u met online
[x] stayed online for 12 hrs straight (after PSLE)
[ ] watch tv for 12 hrs straight
[x] been to a fair
[ ] been called a bad influence
[x] been cursed
[x] prank called sumone
[x] laid in de bed with sumone de opposite sex
[ ] cheated in a test
[x] cheated on homeowork
[x] held hands with sumone of da same sex
[ ] wanted to be dead
[ ] cut yourself
[x] hate myself (occasionally)
[x] had a crush on sumone 10 yrs or more older than you (johnny depp & robert downey jr.)
[ ] had a crush on sumone younger on you
[x] wore eyeline
[ ] wore contact lens
[ ] laughed at sumone hu was seriously injured
OMG. im so horrible. *hides in shame*
I never asked for anything more than an answer. why can't you just answer the frickin' question? what's in your head NOW, that's what i want to know. i don't want to know what's going to happen in the long run, i want now. that's all that matters for now.
it's for the best i guess, that we lay off the conversations. for a while...
oh man it was fun.
we were like, super slack la. We only cleaned the beach for about 30minutes cause there's NOTHING to clean. super super clean. in the end, we just played in the sand. hahaha. [pics at the end of this post]
THEN, next we had the class picnic. Wasn't much difference from the cleaning part. Just that, this time, we were allowed to open the snacks. Florence and I rented blades and bladed towards DL and CR.
OMG. DL and CR having fun at the playground! super unfair can. But never mind, cause i went up the spiderweb thingy, and then, disturbed the guys up there. So that girls can have some victory yeah? thanks CHERYLMINE for cheering me on! haha.
and oh yeah. Some of you. will be happy to hear. that. I TIED CHRIS TO THE SPIDERWEB.
Kaline also crashed into Ernest. Who was saying hi to a CHICKEN?!
and in the bus back...
we sang and sang and sang and sang. WE WERE SUPER HYPER. yay!
Anyway, dilemmas are back.
i dont remember doing anything wrong...
i never wanted anything more than a simple YES or NO. OH CRAP I CANT UPLOAD PHOTOS BECAUSE MY PARENTAL CONTROL KEEPS BLOCKING PHOTOBUCKET. never mind. wait another day (:
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
i never asked you for anything but an answer.
okay honest opinion here?
it doesn't matter who wins, but DAVID COOK will sell more records!
oh gosh. and and and.
i must wait.
Today. I totally killed myself running for netball warm-up. The distance i ran was about 1.8km? But definitely less than 2.4km. AND, i did the whole thing in less than 8 minutes. woohooo~I MISS NETBALL.OH here's my daily horoscope... and the explanation on how weirdly true it is below.
Lately, it has been fairly easy for
you to detect the facts and truth behind the situations you encounter. However,
beginning today, your analytical abilities will not prove so
reliable. The ups and downs of your relationships puzzle
you particularly, and no amount of
analysis yields a solution. A certain lack of
commitment from other people will arouse your doubts, and you begin to wonder if
you are truly appreciated and understood...
to me it's so true.
and to you too.
and possibly to my trusted friends. they might see the connection.
Explanation - Yes, it IS easy for me to "detect the truth". and well, TODAY, it wasn't that reliable. My relationship IS puzzling. A CERTAIN LACK OF COMMITMENT from other people... AROUSE MY DOUBTS. yes yes yes so true!! [He Wei it's true right!]Example number TWO. i'll put the explanation in... BROWNTuesday can be lucky for love. Some Pigs will be distracted by something so near but still so far away. this is true. and my trusted friends know this, no don't you guys? Stay focused on projects that must be finished midweek. this would be my HISTORY. which i DID hand in today.Make plans to change a situation that isn't giving you what you need on Thursday. Spending money can be fun on Friday, but think twice about credit purchases. This weekend can bring a lesson about love.[i dont't know about the last three sentences because it's still in the future(:]I dont know if im being paranoid or whatever. But it's really true.. AND I NEED A NEW BLOGSKIN. IN MY OPINION. hahaha.HE WEI - heehee i know im right. tyty(: nah just kidding. no problem! it's kinda like my thanks to you anyway. if you see it that way. oh well.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I need a new blogskin. Im getting tired of mine.and i should change the profile part.a little old now hmmm.ladeedum..OH CRAP THERE'S HISTORY TOMORROW.and and and,i haven't prepared what i'm going to do.i'm going to chiong all that was quite boring. ya know.just that, Yuan An and ChengCheng held hands just to show Chris that they were together. awwwwwwww. but, no offence you guys... but....WHAT THE HECK WAS THE POINT IN THAT?!not one word from you today, but im not going to be the first to say.things i want to talk about,things i want to share.there's no dance of a flame,without fire.there's no passion in love,without where were you,when my needs were dire?i'll be waiting for you,day and night.i'll let my candle burn,and stay awake with all my might.i'll wait till the midnight bell.i'll wait till the morning William Tell.but when the time has come,and life is much simpler.i'd want you to be my knight in shining armor,and be my sun in our summer. written by me. first person to read? Cherylmine. no ripping you guys. Oh this kinda proves that yes, i can be quite inspired, deep when i have this hecka lot of things going on in my head. {thanks for pointing that out V.}shall do History now....
Monday, May 19, 2008
this one's for He Wei. heehee.Yes, it's alright if you feel lost. heck EVERYONE feels's really hard to know who you can and cant trust. the world IS evil after all. whats right?WHATS RIGHT?the best thing would be to follow your heart. that's what you think is right.plan B = ask your trusted friends! they'll always be there. i'll be here (:in this world, we are meant to make mistakes. to LEARN from these mistakes. it'll be your choice as to whether you wanna take that risk, and to learn.i bet loads of people feel lost at most times... it's hard isn't it? the world can be so cruel.those who aren't really your friends, would be there, acting like one, just for benefits? that's sad. they'll be there through the UPS...but when there's downs,they'd disappear just like THAT. those who are with you, are those that will steer you back on the right track. won't let you take the wrong road. but im sure you know that.. you should talk to people more. i bet loads of people have the same troubles. ha. i felt super lost just recently. all because i wasnt sure who liked and didnt like me in class. i felt like everyone was against me. i went up to those i thought hated me most, and confronted them. but thats me.i'd be here. to listen. and help if i can. im sure BFF will too right? dont ever worry, cause there'll always be people there to catch you when you fall.
THANKS ARIEL. Note) tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. these people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. continue this game by sending it to other people.
#1 if your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?Ariel, im sorry.
But Ironman shall be my weapon of choice too.
dear lover, you're about to be blasted to kingdom come (:
#2 if you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?hahahaheee.I want i want. Jesse McCartney to come in my room, singing Tell Her. OOH. My dearest friends will come over too. Then i want Johnny Depp to join in the party. We'd watch re-runs and re-runs of FRIENDS. Oh and dear Edward Cullen would pull up in his Aston Martin and drive me to his private jet, where we'll go all around the world. And he shall buy me MacBook, iPod Touch, iPhone, Lamborguini, Ferrari, a beach house in Malibu(so i can be neighbors with ironman) a mansion in LA, an unlimited stock of whatever CDs i want, unlimited supply of Ben&Jerry's icecream. AHA. Then, when i get back, I want my dear Jonas Brothers to be there, and they'll take me all around New York. wheeeee~ Of course Ariel you can come along.#3 what will your dream wedding be like?A private island somewhere in the Bahamas. With all people mentioned above, my family, and friends. Everything's going to be golden colored. YAY. and and and the sun will be setting just as we say I Do. Oliver James, Jesse McCartney and the Jonas Brothers will be the live performances of the day. YAY.Oh and.... i want this awesome EIGHT-tiered cake. fully chocolate. #4 What would you do with a billion dollars ?like DUH, put it in a bank with HIGH interest. watch it grow. and when the bank goes BOOM. i'll spend it on a nice Malibu beach house, if Edward hasn't already bought me one. #5 what's your ideal lover like?aha. must be HOT HOT HOT like Edward. must be CUTE CUTE CUTE like David A. must be oh-so-romantic. heehee. must be MACHO MACHO MACHO like Ironman. and he must be there for me always. #6 which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?neither. can't i have both? #7 How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?forever and ever. forever and ever. STRIKE THAT. im willing to wait until Ironman/Edward/David A./Jesse McCartney/Joe J. comes for me. #8 if the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?Option 1 - oh god. Ironman, i want you to blast this ass to kingdom come.Option 2 - i'd bitch slap her till she dies. *piak piak piak*Option 3 - I'd get Edward to use his vampire powers on her. Option 4 - man i'd give up. jump from above the 10th floor (gravitational acceleration remember?).#9 is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?quite a lot of stuff.stress...dilemmas...stupid questions that i seem to think of when im bored.#10 What cheers you up the fastest ?ARIEL. and _______. and all my trusted friends.
and oh yeah, QAD gang. because they are oh-so-spastic.
#11 how do you see yourself in ten years time?in ten years i'd be 23. and if the world's oracles are right, the world will go BOOM in 2012.that's in FOUR ten years, i'd be DEAD.but i'd like to be this awesome high-powered woman, with a family there to support her.#12 who are currently the most important people to you?My family.My Ariel.My group of friends.My (blank)and Ironman.and Edward Cullen.#13 what kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?oh ARIEL?! she's spastic.crazy.weird.okay JOKING.she's cool.she's funky.she's trustworthy.she's my bestfriend since we were in diapers. #14 would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?huh. I want to be rich, and married. or atleast attached. why why why can't i EVER have BOTH. #15 what's the first thing you do every morning?check my phone. (apparently kills braincells?!)wash my face.make sure i've done all homework.sigh and prepare myself for another hectic day.#16 would you give it all for your friends?uh. *thinking**still thinking**slaps self*OF COURSE.#17 if you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?that would never happen.cause im in love with 4 people.1. (blank)
2. Ironman
3. Johnny Depp
4. ARIEL. woohooo~
Seriously? i would pick whoever seems to love me more. whoever seems to be more ideal (see above)#18 what type of friends do you like?i like my friends this not include those people i only KNOW.this means those friends i like are... - those i text. - those i hang out with, every Sunday. - those who i trust.Tagged....
- Xiao Hui
- Alphonso
- Miguel
- ChengCheng
- He Wei
- Bea
- Yuan An
I realised that i posted about FOUR posts yesterday, but i dont care. HAHAHA.
I just went blading just now. At East Coast. With friends.
it was so freaking effing HOT cann..
i drank like, 3, THREE, cups of cold drinks. wheeeeeee~
then i touched this Coke can we left on the table near our parents , and it was BURNING. so i poured water on it. and guess what?
what the heck.
But blading for like 2 hours non-stop is seriously fun. haha. I MISS BLADING.
and i think the insane heat is seriously making me spastic.
Im super proud of how much i did for History in about 20 minutes. heehee.
okay so i'll either edit this later or post a new one.
nothing much to say because the heat wont let me think.
oh gosh i wanna jump in the pool.
im actually next to the pool now.
cool right.
my wireless can reach all the way.
oh Ariel... HALLELUJAH!!!!!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Hee my blog can be found on Google. Good job Roi. hahaha. So cool.and im going to edit my trusted list...1. Ariel2. ChengCheng3. Christine4. (blank)5. He Weiyay. okay. Im also officially allergic to crowded places like CARREFOUR.this goes to show that i have been spending too much time in solitude and needs to go out more. I didnt COULDNT understand A WORD Father Iggy said today. I gave up listening like, 10 minutes into the homily. NO im not horrible. Just that, Teacher David already explained, and i seriously couldn't understand, so i gave up. With my free time, i prayed okay. Didn't do anything else. there's so much to pray for....I have yet to start my History patchwork thingy. Which i WILL do tomorrow morning when i wake up. And LITERATURE. yes i think i do my best in Lit at NIGHT. so i'll do it later.You know what sucks. I cant go to a beach party tomorrow, yet my friends can come over to swim?! what the heck. that sucks. And this 2012 thing is seriously like, affecting me. In a good way though. It makes me think of how fortunate i am right now... And that, hey, we cant go on wasting our time NOT being happy. Sundays sundays sundays... The day when God seems to always be there.The day when i learn new things, not necessarily educational... The day when i get to see my friends again after a long week.The day when i feel most inspired to do something about the world....SUNDAYS ARE SO CONFUSING.He Wei, seriously, thanks man. heehee.

Ariel in her uniform??
AHA OKAY. this one. notice the difference in erm, QUALITY and MAINTENANCE. haha,
Take note - that isnt scotch tape. ITS DRIED SUPERGLUE. and the paper behind it is.. my bio notes of sorts i think. LOL.
Okay im so super lazy to post pics. HAHA. okay okay. LAZY is my middle name right now.
And i think the calculators are the best comparison in the world as to...
IRONMAN. i watched it for the THIRD time yesterday night.
and i came home at 2AM. [good prediction right hewei?]I watched it with ARIEL. and we were being spastic. Oh yeah terror. We needed to use the toilet before the movie. So we went to the toilet. And the pictures on the wall were....COWBOYS.and well, it's not that bad, just that some of them were staring in the direction of something BEHIND you, NEXT to you.CREEPY. hmmhmmm. XIAOHUI just admit that you miss me too la. aiyoo. ADMIT ADMIT ADMIT. Oh yeah, theres this KANGOO JUMP thingy that looks like rollerblades but the underneath is this weird boinky thing. In East Coast. I find it such a huge insult to those people who actually KNOW how to rollerblade. Well, my day wasnt THAT interesting.Just that.I watched IRONMAN. AGAIN.but i dont's FUN.A little late, but thanks.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Quiz from Delvis....
Rules of the game: remove one question from below, add in one of your own (personal) , to make a total of 20. Tag 5 people in your list in the end of this post and notify them.
1. Who is your most trusted secret keeper?
Ariel, and Christine. And _______(blank)
2. Which teacher u hate most?
My ACC teacher. TAN SAY HOE. ew.
3. How many crush/es are u having now?
1 on a real person. 1 on Johnny Depp. and 1 on Robert Downey Jr. First crush is most important la. haha.
4. How close are you to your crush?
Quite... we talk and stuff. yeah.
5. How many relationship did u have before?
6. Which parts of your body are you most proud of?
eyes eyes eyes cause they help me see.
7. Do you believe that you can live a happy life after marriage?
Nope. Everyone has problems. And i mean EVERYONE. why should i be an exception?
8. Name an opposite gender an actor and someone else of your age which u think is most attractive *not neccesary love, only chio or handsome*?
eek i dont know. HA I DO KNOW. Samuel Lawrence Lopez Concepcion!
9. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
Erm. This would mean Delvis. *puke puke puke* jk jk. erm. Hes funny. err. Hes a fast runner. Hes smart?? Lol.
10. Name 3 qualities of you want of your partner?
Awesome, loves me, and knows how to have fun.
11. Name one of your best friend and 3 bad and good points?
Ariel. Okay. GOOD. 1. funky. 2. shopping buddy. 3. Trustworthy.
BAD. 1. Sometimes very distracted. 2. Her schedule is too busy for us to always hang out. 3. NOTHING ELSE.
12. What would u do if u can go back in time and bring back something?
bring back caveman. hoogahooga. wheeee~
13. Are u happy of who u are?
Duh. thats why im so against it when people insult who i am. because im UniquE. TADAH.
14. If yes to Ques 13.) who change u to become such a person...If no to Ques 13.) Why and wad can u do to become a better person?
All my friends who've always been there to give me honest opinions. and everyone else who told me to be nice. LOL.
15. What caused you to have the greatest change in life?
uhh. i really dont know. I guess everyone around me kind of caused me to change slowly. OH I KNOW. going to a new school!
16. Who do you wan to hug now?
VANESSA. because she hates hugs. haha.
17. Are u attached *be truthful*?
Obviously NOT.
18. What's your weakest point?
CHINESE. and too much stress from all directions (family/friends/school)
19. What are you afraid of?
Losing my bestest friends to something stupid. Like something i said, did, etc.
20. (Personal) What do you want the most?
I want him to like me. I want my biggest aspirations to come true. I want my friends to always be there for me. That IS too much to ask isnt it?
Who i tagged...
- Jia Yan
- Hui Xian
- Cheng Cheng
- Vanessa
- Alphonso
yayayayay okay you guys must do this. hahaha.
Weekends are usually quite low for me. Cause i get stuck at home with my family. Who nag and nag and nag and nag. (need i say more?)
Currently getting some form of scolding from an anonymous person on someone's blog (never linked the blog okayy) because1. I badmouth people behind their backs. 2. I back stab (harsher form of number ONE)3. Im mean? Okay i think these are crappy reasons because I never back stabbed.Nor badmouthed.I state honest opinions and im sorry if my tongue is sharp but thats just the way I roll.and seriously, i noticed that people who say BAD stuff about me, usually arent even close to me. They only know my NAME, possibly class. BUT THATS IT. and sometimes, badmouthER and badmouthED -me- arent even in the same class. WE HARDLY EVEN TALK.which goes to show that people tend to judge others unfairly. if you judge others too quick, you'll never learn to love them.BUT, i'll stop ranting now because i still have my awesome friends. Who know me well.Who i can trust.WHO KNOW ME WELL enough to judge me.Who i can always count on.OKAY. and oh yeah i owe Delvis a quiz. -.-shall stop here because its only MORNING and this post is already already ALREADY long. you wanna judge me, talk smack about me, why dont you tell it to my face?