Tuesday, October 28, 2008
not that easy.
maybe she's in it for the money,
or maybe it's the luck.
but honey i'll tell you it ain't always sunny.
sometimes you're gonna break apart.
maybe he's in it for the cash,
or maybe it's the chicks.
but dude you gotta learn that,
this life is hard to dig.
it's not that easy working your way up,
maybe some days you'll even get stuck.
you'll look around and see nothing there,
everything's plain and bare.
so reach out and grab your chances,
cause they aint coming back again.
don't be afraid to take the plunge,
come on darling, let's just jump.
and we're here.
it's our dream.
within our reach,
Monday, October 27, 2008
the answer, all three
I realised i haven't been blogging much lately.
But i guess that's either because i'm
a) Lazy,b) Tired, orc) Busysigh.
Would you believe it, the answer is
Let's see.
Friday, i was rushing from
primary school, all the way back to
piano, to my
friend's house.Saturday,
tuition, and then to a
birthday party.
SUNDAY!ah sunday,
taking back sunday,
this one's a long one...
1. MORNINGhad church party seeing as it was the
LAST day of
CON 1!!omgosh. We just had
sooo much fun.
Hah. And the Con Twos were being spastic downstairs.
2. AFTERNOON!Went to Keith's house for the barbeque thing.
Climbed the house, climbed the rocks, and played YELLOW CAR with Roi.first whack = ow.
second whack = ITCHY.
oh well. HAH. The guys. tsk. can't light a fire eh?
Excuse ? It's healthier.
WHATEVERRRRRRR.And then, hmm, Rachel was emo-ing, and i didn't know how to cheer her up.
I'm sorry.And i managed to get some songs for my DJ/hosting thing.
I completed the list today, isn't that GREAT!Well, it was fun.
And keith, gosh, you
HAVE to move
NEARER to school or to the east side.
I don't care
how nice your house is, your house is just TOO FAR.3. EVENINGWent to the Cortez house for dinner.
Just a simple house-warming, though it's my second time there.
Sang Karaoke at first, but then, i got tired, so i went into Edison's room to watch the little kids. HAH. Ended up losing twice to him due to persistent cheating that i didn't know of.
Went home at like, 1am?
SUPREMELY EXHAUSTED.which brings us to Monday.
oh yeah
fat chance.it's a public holiday for goodness sake.
BUT NOOO, the class blog AND the school paper says there is rehearsal on MONDAY.
problem? the date stated was 28th. Today's only the 27th.
And of course if there WAS rehearsal, well, i'd be in deep trouble because.
I.Didn't.Go.ahh life is good.
Pictures will be up, i hope.
And last week of school, last rehearsal tomorrow.
it'll be the last rehearsal,before the curtain call,which will be the absolute most embarassing moment in the world.that's what it'll be.GOODNIGHT.
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4606343/1/Premonition_Loversthat's love.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
primary school promoting (:
oh goodness.
Can you say
this blog, is
wilting, day by day.
I'm so proud of my fanfiction,
Premonition Lovers.It's been well-received so far.
And i'm having alot of inspiration for it.
RED REAPER hahaha.Nothing much has been happening.
There was no school on Monday, so it was really
boring.Tuesday...Just had rehearsals as per usual, nothing
interesting really.
I mean, how
interesting can school be ?
nah, just showed off my brains to 2FG for their Z2B3. hehehehehe ;D
TODAY!okay, i didn't go to school at all today.
But with good reason.
I had to go with
Cherylmine and ShuLing to some primary schools to promote our school.
Isn't that
fabulous ?
Haha, but it was
traumatising.Those primary kids were
taller than me D: D:
RAHHHHHH.that's so
i, anna santiago, of secondary 2ep in 2009 will strive to be in the top ten
of the cohort and enter into her dream stream (wah rhyming seh). to do so, she
pledges to start and end her holiday homework early, and buy her textbooks early
so as to do some reading before the school term.
all in favor of this motion, say AYE.
anna : my foot lar.
that was my pledge
I have begun some holiday homeworks, surprisingly.
Nothing much left to talk about,
adieu to you reader.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
ginger, picture.

Pretty peekchure.
that's what my bestest friend is (:
through the ups and the downs,
smiles and the frowns ;D
ai, may graduate na ang goin' bulilit! kyoot naman (:
tanda na!
im so frickin' bored.
And i won't get to see my dearest Rachel tomorrow.
amigo grande = big crane in HANDY MANNY.
what the hell.
Friday, October 17, 2008
super super boring.
Oh my gosh.
(anyone noticed how i almost always start with that line?)
ANYWAY,it's the "slack" period, and i'm blogging less and less often.
Matter of fact, i barely even touch the computer.
How queer.
1. I think i really screwed up EOYs, as compared to MYEs, but, well, it's not THAT bad. My overall score for the year aint bad either. Talk about high expectations.... Just hope that next year, i'll do better and own the whole thing yayyy.2. Speaking of owning, ahaha, i've started my holiday homework oh yes :D it's um, rather, traumatising (?) but hey, it's gotta be done sooner or later. AND, i wanna enjoy my holidays for once, so yep, here's to a few days of homework-chiong-ing. ;D
3. Wow, this year has definitely gone by fast. And you know what, today, it all came to me clearer than before. Stepping into the school, knowing NO ONE at all, and then now, surrounded by such a bonded class. Wow. It's amazing.4. Twilight D: It's coming out in November i can't wait ahhhhhhh. It's gonna be awesome/fabulous/glamorous/fantastic/surreal/magical/etc/etc/etc. (megawatt smile)
5. And again, linking to twilight, LA BELLA ITALIA. it's that Italian restaurant mentioned in book ONE. Well, i just had some sort of deja vu just now. We went to this fancy Italian place, called, LA FORKERETTA in Dempsey. It was so prettyyyyyyyy. really. and i felt like, wow, pretty place, pretty pretty place.
6. I'm so sick and tired, of what, i'm not exactly sure. Of being bored at home, that's one thing. But you see, i'm too lazy to bother organizing an outing. For some reason. Is it paranoia? Trauma? I think it's trauma, though. Ugh. Sad life, really.7. I should really upload some pretty pictures. Peekchuressss.
And gosh, no one online is talking to me, or me to them. Honestly ? I've become un-sociable. I've forgotten how to approach people, except those i'm close to. I've forgotten how to hold a conversation (properly i guess), atleast, that's what i think. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. D: D:
8. I cried today. Quite alot. As in, quite a few times. Wanna know why ? http://www.1empathy2008.blogspot.com/ is the place to look. Good luck digging.9. Some freakin bozo keeps calling me. With numbers right, and then he's like HELLO HELLO HELLO all the way, and when i give the phone to my mom and he talks to her, he'll be like, OH SORRY SORRY WRONG NUMBER. wtf. you called like 6 bloody times already. ARE YOU DUMBSHIT OR WHAT.10. I'm looking forward to whatever's coming. Living life, really. I think i wanna graduate at 16 and go off to college. Not a bad idea, seeing as it's possible for me. I get 2 years of my life back, free from school. isn't that fabulous? I'd jump into every chance i get, to have more time for living. There's just so much to learn, so much to master, that, it makes anyone hungry for eternity. Right ?RAHHHHH.
i'm bored shit.
and i'm sorry this post is so un colorful
but i've lost my flair for blogging.
for now.
just reach out your arm,
walk along the sand,
before long the sun will set,
on the palm of your hand.
when i looked up, into your eyes,
i saw the beauty of
the dark night sky.
and when we danced to our favorite song,
the world seemed to stop and we sang along.
the magic of
love, obvious in touch.
when you took my hand
and held
me close,
i wanted to live for forever,
i'm sure.
safely entwined in your arms.
[edit] made the post more colorful because i was just so disgusted at it's plain-ness. geezers creepers, something IS wrong with me. [/edit]
Saturday, October 11, 2008
la chica

a la nanita nana.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
rachel is love (:
to the right to the right, everythang we own in the box to the right (:
peekchure post. seven hours of tying string D:
MY GOSH. i'm now officially
paranoid of strings.
long, golden ones. SEVEN HOURS.super hiong.
just untangling and tying them.
and here's some pics.
i doubt im gonna post up
F1 and Avril pics,
only if they are in
high demand.ahahaha.
negative x negative = POSITIVE!

Oh look, CheeLiang loves my specs.

Rachel + Me ahaha



it's those blue things that never frown.

YUMMYYYYY. yuzi looks like shes staring at the McCafe sign. O:

Deon : Get away from me! (note:she was talking to the EEYORE, not yuzi)

Eeyore, mastermind.

Deon: Didn't i say to GET AWAY ?!
XinLin: *laughs*
Eeyore: whatever.

look at Javier laughing in the background. and that's us trying to style Shawn's hair

Astroboy ? nahhh.

traumatising golden long tangl-y string.

our super strong helpers yay.

all the things we did, packed away safely in the boxes. (: SENSE OF ACHIEVEMENT!

that's my baby (:

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
post-eoy update!
Okay. i just realised that now, i have a hella lot of blogging to do.
BUT, oh well.
I'm listening to this long string of songs, that are somehow motivating me to blog.
Isn't that fantastic.
(for you readers)ANYWAY.
let's get this show on the road.
AVRIL CONCERT-temporarily postponed due to case of missing pictures-
EXAMS like, what would you expect from this ?
"yay whoopdeedoo i think i did fantastic i'm so confident i'll
get A1 for everything."
just wait for that slap coming in from the left.
I think i did pretty okay.
let's see.
English - A2
Literature - A2
Maths - A1
- A2
Chinese - B4
Geography - A2
Science - B3/4
ACC is not counted because i haven't taken it yet.
You know, i should be studying for it now, but
what the heck.I think Science was the most screwed up one. Really. i had some trouble with it,
AND fell asleep.
The paper's so boring, can't help it.
MATHS was the ONLY paper i didn't fall asleep. Cause i barely even had time. How great.
AFTER EXAMSyeah well, nothing much yet.
only had breakfast at Mc's today, with
Deon and people.
OHMYGOD, it was so gross looking at
Nicole's pancake. it looked so,
(2 packets of syrup + 2 packets of butter)WHO CAN EAT THAT MUCH.
and then there's
YUZI. fantastically
and we had those
blue thingys to play with.
Deon's terrified of EEYORE. how could she be! D:
(Pictures will be up as soon as possible.)CRAP I can't really think of any crap to talk about.
Maybe you'd be fascinated to know that,
HEAD OVER HEELS is playing now.
and also, that
i slept the whole afternoon, and woke up like, 15 minutes ago.
and that i'm so greatly in love with
crime/investigation shows right now.
NUMB3RS especially.
how weird.
and also,
i dont really like my blogskin, but i'm having so much trouble finding a new one. GOSH. people help ?
FORMULA ONEohhhhh i can't resist this one.
I bought a
I went for two days actually.
Saturday and Sunday.Saturday was pretty boring, so i wont talk about it so much,
SUNDAY WAS FABULOUS.got there, and went shopping for merchandise straight away. then we bought food.
i want to whack my mom.She just HAD to go to the bathroom before we went to the grandstand.
before the parade started.
I didn't even get to see my beloved Ferrari drivers drive/wave/smile/whatever pass.AND HER EXCUSE ?
oh im sorry i really forgot i thought it was the actual race.
WELL, even if it WAS the real race, why couldn't we go EARLIER ? don't you want to see the START of the race ?
what the hell.I was bliddy crying in the race.So the race, well, everyone knows what happened.
Massa screwed up, so did Raikkonen. That was pretty, depressing i
I think though, Alonso does deserve to win. For some reason.
I'm just glad i managed to go at all, what with a chinese exam on the next day.
I'm just so regretful that i missed the race. that was really
heartbreaking.frickin' irritating.shit.crap..damn it.*calming technique*
The sound was so deafening, literally.It was beautiful in that sense.You know, that's why i love F1.All that speed, all that power, all that. It's so, appealing? that SPEED is exhilarating, i can bet you that.Well not to mention, 2 days later, Tuesday evening.
My dad went for a dinner.
and guess who was there ?
FELIPE MASSA.what did my dad do ?
get an autograph?take a picture?nah.
much better. NOTHING AT ALL.zomgwtfbbqabcdefgodfcukinhellajwp^$#**(!@#$@!@$$#@!that was, UGH.
ruined my morning.
I CRIED THAT MORNING.oh well, what's done is done.
There's still next year, and next year.
Matter of fact, there's four more years to the contract.
And it could be extended after anyway.
OH and about the pictures, i'm going to upload them another way.
Make a slideshow or something.
There's a whole load.
WHAT SHOULD I BE FOR HALLOWEEN ?i need to be scary.
But well, seeing as
im so tiny and apparently CUTE,
i can't very well be scary can i?
I was thinking
vampire, but that's not scary.
Not really.
strikingly beautiful, red lips, dark eyes, pale skin...Scary ? I don't think so.
SUGGESTIONS PLEASE.alright, that's all for now.
this IS kinda long.