Wednesday, January 28, 2009

To all the fakers, and posers, and haters and wanna-bes. Get a life.
Cause we just wanna be big rockstars and live in hilltop mansions driving
fifteen cars.
The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap,
We'll all
stay skinny cause we just won't eat.
and to a friend. here's to you. drink up, baby down it straight.
Everyone knows it’s meant to be
Falling in love, just you and me
Till the end of time
But it’s cool cause we’re just friends
Maybe, Maybe Not.
Okay, if you must know...
I have been attempting to blog over the last week, but things kept coming up.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaand, my computer kept crashing.
(which is quite partly due to the insane incompatibility between the iTouch sync thing, and my laptop.)
don't ask me why.
So finally had to hand in my portfolio today.
I feel like this huge load has been lifted off.
Now all i have to do is wait...
Oh and finally, i have time to concentrate on other things that have become a burden.
gosh i hate that.
You know, i seriously can't take piano anymore.
I can learn songs on my own!
But nooooo, i have to take lessons.
Which take up alot of my much needed study time.
I realised there isn't really much to talk about.
Maybe i'll just brag about how i can run 100m in 15.74s.
Or maybe i won't.
Maybe i'll let you see that i'm having a panic attack cause of my not-yet-done homework.
Or maybe i won't.
Maybe i'll talk about how i missed my bestfriend when he/she went overseas for the entire weekend.
Or maybe i won't.
Maybe i'll just stop now.
Yes, i will.
P.S. I'm so glad i found a new friend in Steph. Realised she was always there, just that i never thought she'd be there when I needed someone the most.
Friday, January 23, 2009
the long absence
So i haven't been blogging much, again, because well, i HAVE been rather busy.
First time i managed to go online this week. So don't blame me.
1. Tournament has started, and we're nearing the end of the first round. Got thrashed in the first match, but we won in the second. So, we have some hopes. :Db) I've begun to study. Maybe it was Pencil's influence or something, but i feel this drive to study. Is that weird or what! (Please say "or what"). III. Been attempting to write as much as i can for my portfolio, but it isn't really going so well. Submitted 7, or 8, or 9. But that's about it. Not sure if they're good or not, hope they're enough...ellohvee) Have attempted to write a daily letter, of sorts. Well, i don't send it daily, but i write it daily. So yep, when you come back, I might pass you a small thin paper, or a giant stack.19. OOOOOH, i can run 100m in 15.79s. Which is kind of fast. OWNS BEE'S SO IT'S OKAY. JoLin still runs faster though, but i dont care. I mean, it aint all that bad. I mean, i never even knew i could run that fast. I MEAN. oh whatever.So i'm sitting here alone, with my phone silent.
It hasn't received a non-duty related sms since you left.
Isn't that sad? Well, I'm sad.
I swear, next time i'm gonna take pictures of you.
One for every day you're gone.
Okay, so I'm gonna try and forget.
Night people.
(random pics at )
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Call Me Irresponsible
Ugh so I was just at East Coast Park for dinner and guess what?
I had an accident.
This is where you're all supposed to gasp and act concerned.
Anyway so iwas rollerblading and this kid comes up to me on a bike.
It's a small bike Mind you, cheap, rickety, the ones ahbengs think are cool.
Basically it looks like an accident already happened to it.
So right, he comes up and he overtakes. And we're both going pretty fast too.
He starts zigzagging, and the moves to the other lane to avoid and overtake these people who were slow roller bladers.
At this point, we're still going pretty fast and then...
He swerves to try to make a uturn, putting his feet to the ground instead of using brakes to slow himself down.
The way dirtbike racers do it.
Unfortunately, he doesn't make it and falls. And I'm just behind him, so I crash ontop of the bike and WHAM! The bike gears hit me shin and scrapes off some skin.
If you start cringing now, then you're quite close to imagining the pain.
So I get this slightly deep cut and it's bleeding and I can't get up. My parents see, and get angry.
Guy tries apologizing, but seriously, through his behaviour, his apologies won't work.
Stupid ass.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Huh. Probably the last training before tournament.
1. i'm freakin excited.
2. I'm freakin nervous.
3. I'm freakin pissed cause we don't get proper jerseys.
this week was a blast. lessons are surprisingly easy, but i may have spoken too soon. Things could get a lot worse in the near, very very near future.
And it takes wayyyy longer to upload to facebook than multiply. so yep.
I know i know, i just couldn't let go of my blog when i saw the number of posts i had. Which to me, is somewhat of an achievement. :D
And besides, Multiply is only popular in the Phils. it's like the "blogger" of philippines. So while people here stick to blogger, people over there stick to multiply.
hmmm, i guess i'm still in the "people over here" category.
We got our new student handbook today, and it was hilarious when i flipped it open and was like,
imagine, i almost fell off my chair.
You know what sucks.
You know what REALLY sucks.
I can't finish my portfolio PROPERLY. Because i felt that i needed a wider range of stuff to write, but all i'm writing is poems. It's something i can connect with better.
which is weird.
AND, i haven't finished my chinese homework due tomorrow.
oh gosh i have to get home early tomorrow to finish piano theory too!
awwwwww man.
okay well then, i'm gonna try to sleep now.
ciaoo (:
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
jealousy eats at you.
God, i can never get over the fact that I get horrible
mental blocks.
and that Jake has this stupendously amazing knack at writing that makes me wanna cringe internally.
So i'm left with a few days to complete my Chinese, (i think) a few hours to complete History and a few weeks to complete my portfolio.
It sounds like i should be panicking, especially about the third point, but right now, i can't seem to be able to think of anything, and i know that when the time comes, i'll have something to pen down.
Right now, I'm just gonna work as hard as i can.
So I have plans to concentrate on netball first, specially since tournament is only a week away. And my stamina is crap, my skills are way down there, and well, i'm just worried.
After though, i'd try to concentrate on studies...
Maybe i'll go study with Roi and Cavan or something. yep.
Lessons are kind of interesting, but the teachers, hmmm, i don't know whether it's cause i don't like the subject, or cause i don't like them, but they're pretty weird.
Right so, things between us have been settled, and i'm glad. I mean, seriously, sure we can get angry at each other, but that's what friends do. Right? And if you were really meant to be friends, you'd forgive, but never forget. It's all in the journey, i guess.
Honestly, i think i'm going to cry when this year's seniors would graduate. I mean, i'm closer to them, much closer. So, not being able to see them everyday would be...
So PW for us sec2s had just started, and i put my name down for "Staging a Play - To Kill A Mockingbird". It's the one i want the most..
Well, anyway, it's getting late (nah it's only 8.20, but i have tons of things to do), so i'm going to sign off right here.
ciao (:
PS. this would be my last crosspost to blogger. occasionally, i will crosspost, but for now, it'll just be multiply. so RELINK! :D
Monday, January 5, 2009
First day of hell.
Okay, so well, the hell-hole wasn't so bad. Then again, it WAS the first day.
Wouldn't it interest everyone to know that
1. My chinese is total crap right now
2. I spelt STYLE wrong. (stlye)
Shows how much my brain was fried over the holidays.
Anyway, i was the first to wish ZJ happy birthday, simply because i was staring at the clock for 10min, waiting to press the SEND button.
And seeing as it was different time zones, i had to scour the world to find what time it was at his place. nah, actually, i just asked him. HA.
It was pretty fun today, but basically it was all the teachers giving their usual, "set goals and achieve what you can" talks.
Mr. Davamoni was ownage omg, FIRST LESSON. and he was talking about getting into Triple and Double and all that. gosh. nerve-wracking. (is there supposed to be a w?)
Anyway, let's just say Assembly today was super embarassing. And Keith (from my section) would probably never let me forget. aiiiiiii.
So, the whole lunch hour on monday for ALL levels was a freakin' stupid idea. I mean come on!
Sec ones all milling about, unsure of where to go, clogging up the path
other levels pushing their way through thinking they got the right to
restrictions on where to eat
one jam-packed impossible rowdy hot stuffy INHUMANE canteen.
you could barely get a proper seat.
Which is how several councillors wound up outside the canteen and getting chased back :D
So then lessons went by in a blur, and soon it was the end of the day.
Ended up by the lake, sketching out my art homework. Was done in about an hour and a half.
Kaline and YJ went home, so i decided to pay a visit to Cavan and Roi in their classroom. Hah, gosh i missed them. So used to seeing them every other day to study.
and it's my first day without Math tuition which is fantabulously relaxed. which i love.
alright people.
i gotta apologize to a good friend.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
it's a new day.
So who would believe that
"last year" was just a few days ago?
Definitely not me.
Seems all so long ago, doesn't it? A little scary too.
So, first day of school went well. Mostly just the big P's talk, plus general announcements and all.
What was the best part of that day though?
Getting to school and being greeted by fullboard.
yep, possibly the best ever.
and i wasn't going to cry or anything, but it felt like coming back home. all the people (:
(i need to ask ariel's fam. something now, but noone can hear their phones. in other words, should there be an emergency, they would just leave me dead.)
So friday went pass in a blur.
And we move on to Saturday!
It was CCA recruitment day, so we were all full-on salespeople.
NCC guys looked like vegetables, so netball thought we should look like carrots!
Anyway, i was looking at our school, and i thought,
our school looks best with all of us in it. (us = students)
shows off what the school is really about.
Played around, got people to sign the contact form...
Ended up at Mcdo at Kallang with a few councillors. thanks to Rachel's mom for bringing us there!
Then, sudden change of mind. We bought milkshakes, a latte and a cake, and brought it to KFC to eat.
Ended up running off all the fats i gained to catch the bus.
made it in record time though :D
So basically, there's no pressure yet.
Enjoy the pictures! ( CCA day 08 )
Thursday, January 1, 2009
back. to. school. fuzz.
It's back to school.
That's really sad. I mean, it seems like the two months break just whizzed by.
anyway, i'm kind of having mixed emotions now.
Little of everything.
Anxiety. Panic. Anticipation. Excitement. Dread. Guilt. Worry. Stress. Happy. Hyper. Tired. Exhausted.
yeah you get the picture.
By the way, i forgot to mention this but my multiply is.... okay!