Friday, February 20, 2009
never say never <3
go search for it.

Anyway, just another week has gone by.
I took a look at my planner and realised,
We have 3 weeks of school left to term break.

Time flies when you're having fun.
And i think i'm having the best rollercoaster ride in the world.

Okay i'm done.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
well, it's wednesday.
This week has been, a rollercoaster.
And yet we're only halfway through.
Thanks to everyone who's been concerned and all.
It's nice.
Maybe this whole episode happened, simply because of ME.
I was so wrong to think i could approach her about this.
Yes, that's what did it.
Maybe i just should try and gain some self-confidence.
I don't think i have enough.
Insecurity issues eh.
I'm just so confused, it really sucks.
Oh and i'm seriously regretting not trying out for talent time.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
happy valentine's day

Something bout that picture just makes me wanna burst out in song.
FEARLESS - TAYLOR SWIFT.Anyway, I have one very very important thing to say to alot of people,
And i wanna thank everyone who gave me presents.
Love them all.
okay there. i let it out. (:
now i can sleep peacefully.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
abnormal insanity.
So anyway, i should be studying some useless crap from our Literature book right now, but
i'm not.I should be doing my maths worksheet now,
but i'm not.I shouldn't be using the computer now,
but I am.Woah, i really am
sdrawkcab Funny story this morning...
I had to go see some people at the concourse really early in the morning, so i went to my class to drop off my stuff, and i began walking through the new block and when i rounded a corner, the uncle guy popped out from somewhere and began talking to me about sign language.And since i was rather distracted trying to restart my heart, i didn't understand what he was talking about until about 2 minutes into the blabbering. Wow. so yep, afterwards, i just continued walking and by now i'm only bout halfway, around the science lab area, and i realised all the doors to the preparation rooms and the labs are all OPEN and it's really really dark. and only then did i realise that
1. It's freakin' dark.
2. I'm all alone.
So this is where
i start to panic and quicken my pace, and attempt to draw my attention away from above-stated facts. Which is infact impossible when
the lake is a midnight black and perfectly reflects the perfectly round luminescent moon. sucks right?
So we skip right along past the boring school part, and now we come to this part of my life, where I have decided to take some PRECIOUS time out of my schedule to write this.
I don't know. I kinda regret applying for the writing course, and i kinda want it. cause it coincides with the sec2 camp, which i really wanna go to.(for reasons i'll only tell my closest friends)but well, it's a good oppurtunity, and if i don't get in this year, well then great! I can try again next year, AND go for sec2 camp. But somehow, well, i don't know.Sigh.
It's time to go study about Ponyboy and Darry and Dally and Johnny and Soda now.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
20 facts. or is it?
Contrary to popular demand, i have decided to put this in point-form-ish,
I'm sorry.
And i'm sorry to people if i haven't exactly replied your tags.
Haven't really gotten time. And if you have my IM, you'd notice i haven't been online much either.
Have i actually gotten over my "addiction"? Wow.
Fabulous.*rolls eyes*
Right. Back to point.
20 things I learnt this weekend (prolly in chronological order.)
1. Marie and I are so gonna get famous. Yeah, cause
we're so totally blonde it's pink (:
3. Just by posting those two facts, i have ruined my plan for this to be
4. gah. I love my friends. I just have the craziest times with them.
thank you angelo ;D5. I have very weak legs. Specifically my
ankles. -.-
6. People say i dress nicely.
Why thank you.
THE HOTTEST PERSON ALIVE AHAHAHA. no i'm kidding. but his songs are awesome.
Gavin can sing. wow. amazing. So now we can conclude that our YFs are pretty much all very musically inclined.
9. I love
black and white now. Isn't that great? So plain. So wonderful.
10. I'm drifting away from the one girl i used to call "my bestfriend". Why? I dont know. But i'm afraid to patch it up. Because it's her life. And our pieces just don't fit anymore. Maybe it's just time to push it away, even if you still want it close. 11. I like watching the
Hallmark Channel. do you?
12. Oh yes, if my nose is blocked,
i can actually snort while laughing. EEK.
preferably a pink heart with pink hearts all over it (:
okay no please, don't do that if you value OUR sanity.
14. I want to watch Bride Wars, and Benjamin Button. And that Angus, Thongs and Snogging movie! :D
I. Need. To. Grow. Yep. 16.
TOM MILSOM IS STILL HOT. 17. Joshua likes to think he's really tall. And so does Russell. But in reality,
that's only when they're standing next to me. pffftttttttttt.
18. I realised the Marina Barrage place is really beautiful. Which made me realise my neighborhood is really lovely too.
19. I like the rain.
This is the last fact and actually i still have loads of things in my head that i wanna share cause
i'm nice like barney but i don't really want to cause i
set a target of only 20 so i'll stick to that and
i'm sorry for not blogging so much because of said reasons stated above ah but
what the heck i can't resist this.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
screwed, sour, sore.
Never thought i'd feel this screwed and effed-up in my life. Never thought i'd feel this stressed, this troubled ever.We lost, no, we were trashed.
So what? You say. Everyone's lost before.
I KNOW THAT.I'm not afraid of losing. But the reason why we lost was worse.
A team.
Definition : A distinguishable set of two or more individuals who
interact dynamically, interdependently and adaptively to achieve specified,
shared and
valued objectives.
We are not a team my dear girls.But i will not go on furthur, i would just like all netball C div girls to keep an eye on their phones. Emergency meetings may be called.
I'm in no state to talk, and i'm deadbeat.
Goodnight world.