Wednesday, September 23, 2009
exams, stress, hormones. me, part of that?
With all due respect.
why is that such a cool thing to start anything of with?
"With all due respect sir, but i think you're wrong. you see, the moon is yellow, however you have color-blindness, and hence you have difficulty seeing its colors."
"With all due respect (name), I think you're making the wrong decision. it's a left, not a right."
simple conversations you can have with yourself then. (:

ANYWAY, exams are literally right around the corner.
one more weekend (hey that's your corner!) and BAM!
it's gonna hit you like a big yellow school bus.
I can't wait for it to be done and over with though. It's like, "HELL YEAH WE'RE FREE FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR."
of course, that's not exactly true, seeing as we'd have holiday homework and that crap. D:
School saddens me.
"School? Why do you have to be so damn sadistic?"
Like, honestly, who the hell comes to this blog anymore ):
PEOPLE IF YOU DO, YOU BETTER TAG ATLEAST JUST THIS ONCE. (or twice or thrice or quadruple times if you will.)
Exams. Stress. do hormones balance out the equation?
I know these exams are important, they decide what kind of stupid things we have to do next year! But, i don't have the will to study. Why? WHY?! This is the wrong time for stubbornness and cockiness to sink in Ches. Yeah I already know that.
I've gotta work hard.
I may not want a top stream, but I want to be able to make that choice. I don't want some silly computer deciding for me. It's for me and me alone.
There's Chinese Oral tomorrow. You'd prolly know that i am the most un-chinese-speaking-person in a Chinese school. pathetic, i know, but sadly that's my reality. I know the answers to questions, but only in English. My translator, I just hope it doesn't break down tomorrow.
I'm dying slowly. But this isn't the time to give in to it.
Perseverance, mental strength. That's all I need.
It's not rocket science, not yet.
it's just a simple mindset.
i'm just hoping i won't screw anything up, or get distracted by all the crap that i'm always thinking about.
(why can't i just be a part of that? why? why must there be such a big difference between you and me?)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
disney. doctor who. hmm?
Currently listening : Send It On - Friends for Change. (Radio Disney)RIGHT. i should stop watching Doctor Who late at night, when i'm all alone. Honestly. I always choose the scarier, creepier ones by accident and ugh. I just can't help but keep watching it anyway cause it's bloody
Oh gosh, i love Radio Disney. It's so bubblegum-pop-ish and comforting and nice to your ears. And I don't care if...
1. You think the Jonas Brothers are fags.
2. You think the Jonas Brothers are gay.
3. You think Miley Cyrus is a biatch.
4. You think there's something wrong with Disney.
Nope i don't care. Cause Disney's actually pretty
awesome. And if you don't like Disney, you just threw your entire childhood away (:
Friday, September 4, 2009
it's a free land.
OFFICIALLY. today was the
last day of term 3, the last day of slack-ness in class, the last day of
relaxed minds and calm composures. and in a week,
bliddy hell, how fast time flies.
and 3 weeks after
that week, we're on to our
and then 3 weeks after
that week, we're
Right, I shouldn't get ahead of myself. Focus on the present, the most important, the top priority. I sound like I'm giving myself a pep talk before a match -.- WHATEVER.
Holiday Homework- Geog. stack of worksheets
- Physics e-learning
- Math Revision Papers A + B + C1
- Chinese worksheet
- Literature stack of worksheets
- ART sew-up
- Home Econs report
holy cow.
that's a
LOT of work.
wish me luck?? thanks.
"what's it like to stand behind these doors?""but you are behind.""on the other side?""oh." it's a free land."do you see them?""who?""the stars. they're oh so pretty to-night."it's a vast land. "I hear them.""Do you? Hear what exactly?""The leaves as they rustle. the twigs as they snap." "Music then?""Yes."it's a free land.THAT MADE ABSOLUTELY
NO SENSE, i think.
oh well. just wanted to put more inspirational stuff that strikes me up on here, before i get
too tired and too uninspired.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I'm not sure how true that title up there is, but i'm sure it does mean something to a whole lot of people right now.
I think of the upcoming exams and go,
"cause all our brains have turned to mush and these days we have are numbered." A little poetic, don't you think? And yet, that's as far as my inspiration these days go.
One line, two at most. And then I get stuck.
Or it just sounds nice that way.
Maybe it's my cliche :/
and then there's my favorite lyrics at the moment.
"and this is our ground zero,
so would you be my hero?
fly in like my superman
and save me cause I know you can."
i thought of it in Chinese. you know, ke4 wen2 26 i think?
the one of the chinese dude who goes in to save all those people in 9/11 at the World Trade Center.
COPYRIGHTED YOU GUYS. so no funny business.
brains turn to mush.
I've had two tests back-to-back today. Like Meng said,
"back-to-back action non-stop all day!"I feel like i'm living the script to 'worst day of school'. I guess the tests went well though. Chinese wasn't as bad as I expected.
(side note: actually, chinese isn't as bad as it used to be. either i'm getting better, or it's getting easier. i'd like to think the first one though (: )and Geography wasn't that bad either! although i'm sure i could have felt much much much better about it should i have studied better. lately, my revision doesn't seem to satisfy me...
I wanna go on
an insane shopping spree someday.
Maybe not now, but someday I will. (:
chowders people. and wish me luck.
i've got hard weeks ahead :/